PAINT COMING OFF!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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:eek: MY paint is coming off the roof of the truck. I am not sure if its from the sun or a bad wax job or even someone's evil hand, I just want to know if there is some way of preventing this from spreading because it is spreading; its making a bigger blotch. Alsois there a way or some product i can get to get this corrected without going to the paint shop? Thanks for your correspondence.

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The only thing I can think of is the paint shop... I've heard that the Ford skipped a step or two (went without a coat of primer or clearcoat or whatever, i'm not a paint guy) on the paint for the '91-'92 Explorers, thinking (i suppose) that with the more modern paints, that all those other coats wouldn't be as necessary. They were apparently wrong, since you'll see several '91 or '92's with paint problems. Supposedly, the problem was dealt with on the '93-up ones, by adding back in those coats or whatever that were left out. :smoke:

look at "Hank" for his Army Baurer... Mine too will look like his becuase i dont have the paint cancer like you but i have tree pintripes and accident remains... bonda and odg here i come!!!!!

Originally posted by jimabena74
tree pinstripes

You mean Texas Pinstriping? Oh come on, it adds character ;)

Obligatory smoking smilie :smoke:

Paint shop is your only fix. Had the same problem on a 91 Dodge. No matter what you do, it'll come back.

Originally posted by BislamJoe

You mean Texas Pinstriping? Oh come on, it adds character ;)

Obligatory smoking smilie :smoke:

yeah but i am in cali so they are California "REAL" truck pinstripes.. they arent painted on, rather painted off...


well i have gotten lucky, no paint away yet... but i have anothe problem, last time i waxed it i started seeing like only on the hood like all these little white lines almos like its cracking everywhere.. but i dont think it is, but it wont come off.. what could it be

well, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck i bet it is a turtle :smoke::smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:

...I wonder what Jim's smoking... I need some... :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:

Originally posted by PYROMANIAC
:eek: MY paint is coming off the roof of the truck. I am not sure if its from the sun or a bad wax job or even someone's evil hand, I just want to know if there is some way of preventing this from spreading because it is spreading; its making a bigger blotch. Alsois there a way or some product i can get to get this corrected without going to the paint shop? Thanks for your correspondence.

It wasn't just Ford that had trouble with paint in the early 90's. There was a lot of cars that the paint peels off. The only fix is to take ALL the old paint off and then start over.

You can take a razor blade on most of the paint and it just comes off in sheets. Then you sand it, prime, and repaint.

We are working on a car now that the hood just had one little spot, but it just took the razor blade with handle to take the rest of the paint off. Once it starts it won't take long for it to get worse.

