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Paintball Gun..what is good?

how many sheels u can put in a 12 gauge, without reloarding? that sounds better then a little 12mm. at least with a 12 gauge, u dont have to be that great of a shooter, right? and the empty shells theory sounds better and better now. are theyexpensive...the 12 gauge? guess ihvae to get a licence too.....kinda hard to conceal a 12

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Shotgun capacity depends on the model. Usually 4-5 shots. In theory, if you need more than 5 shots, you're in big trouble.

A shotgun is also great, becuase some rounds will not penetrate walls. A pistol is a risk because even a .22 can go right through a normal wall.

There are some special bullets called glaser rounds that are a plastic bullet that has small buckshot in it. When it hits a person it will take them out, but they won't penetrate walls, etc. Great for home defense.

With a 12ga... point in the general direction of the heart... have a large hole in the general area of the chest ;)

i can saw off the handle and be arnord in terminator? lol. but yah... i am just thining about if someone breaks in my house, i have no security to protect my family. police takes a qhile to get there. my philosophy is, we have to rely on ourself to get things done sometime. hhmm... 12 gauge....hhmmmmmm.

put one behind the headboard and one in the attic with an emergency phone in the attic. that shold be good. are 12 gauge shotgun expensive?

Nope, most are actually really cheap. You should be able to find one for $150. Once again, try Wal-Mart.

12 GAUGE......hhmm.....any 12 gauge would do eh. wonder if i can go hunting with that 12 vaporize some deer or somehting. lol. hey, thank guys for the info.. again, this is the best place intown for the best info.

I would like to add here the i strictly in no way reccomend ever shooting anyone for any reason, I was simply trying to answer your question. ;)


Originally posted by nweibley
...i strictly in no way reccomend ever shooting anyone for any reason...

Actually, if someone breaks into your house, I do recommend shooting them. They have absolutely no reason to be there; none whatsoever. If someone breaks into my house, they are not leaving it alive.

Actually, if someone breaks into your house, I do recommend shooting them. They have absolutely no reason to be there; none whatsoever. If someone breaks into my house, they are not leaving it alive.

:chug: Couldn't have said it better myself! Seriously, if someone is in your house with the intent of doing you or your family harm, why WOULDN'T you want to blow his chest apart??!?!

Holy ****... where to start.
First of all, having two blanks, rock salt, etc in your home defense weapons is IDIOTIC. Only slightly less idiotic is the "shoot to maim" idea that has been presented.
Get one thing straight people, if you shoot someone you are going to jail. Period. The thing that will alter the length of your stay in the slammer is whether the shoot was justified.
I know most of you wont care, but here's the the GoldenRule: You can only shoot if you, or your loved one, is under threat of great bodily harm or death. If some punk is running out your front door with your 5K stereo system, or some other punk is stealing your X, and you shoot them, you'll easily be convicted of murder. Your life is essentially over.
If you are under attack and fear for your life, then you do not shoot to "hurt" or "maim". You also do not shoot to kill. You shoot to stop. To stop the threat that is about to kill you (or so you better think). Dead men tell no tales, and hire no attorneys to sue the **** out of you for blowing their foot off.

Generally handgun ammo will over penetrate the most in an indoor setting. Buckshot also penetrates most walls thru and thru. Birdshot is marginally less susceptable to over penetration. I know it sounds weird, but some of the least penetrative rounds (once the hit something @ 3000+fps) are in .223 caliber (AR-15/M-16 type rifles). Yes, there are franglibles out there like the glaser, and they are a bargain at only $2/round.

Sorry for the fatherly like lecture, but these are things you should DEFINITELY know if you are planning on investing in a weapon. You have a bad shoot and you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

The whole point is to avoid a confrontation with the person by firing the blanks and rock salt. There is nothing idiot about it. By the time you are to the real shells, you will know damn well if you are going to realistically need to use them.

Originally posted by DrEVS
Get one thing straight people, if you shoot someone you are going to jail. Period. The thing that will alter the length of your stay in the slammer is whether the shoot was justified.

Not quite. It all depends on state law. For exapmle Texas still has the Old West laws on its books that allows you to shoot trespassers on your property. It was originally meant to deter poachers and cattle rustlers, but as it does not specifically say this, any interloper is a fair target. Modern law is less flexible, and they often over-rule this old law, but it could be used as a technicality if it did go to trial.

However, the fact remains that it is very hard to quantify the threat a person feels. If someone is breaking into your house and you shoot them, you will likely NOT go to jail. Only if there is a clear cut case of wrongful shooting, such as shooting him in the back as he's leaving with that $5000 stereo. That will indeed send you to jail. However, in the stressful situationof confronting a ribber in a dark house in the middle of the night, it's very difficult to say that you did not feel threatened.

yah, i mean, if u are sleeping at nite and at 3am, u hear break window and russling. the first thing i would grab is my gun, then call 911, then secure famioy, then check out what the hell is downstairs. i dont see ianything wrong if someone is walking up my stairs at 3am and i shot their head off. i am sure they did not come to tell me that i left my light on in the garage at 3am. good stuff are all downstairs... and if they are coming upstairs, that will be the last stairway they are walking on.
am i right or what? i am not going to sit there and wait for 2 instruder to come close to my wife and child before i blow their heaaad off. "oh, u did not hurt us, just rob us. ok, i will not shot u!" i dont think it works that way.

Originally posted by nweibley
By the time you are to the real shells, you will know damn well if you are going to realistically need to use them.
By the time you get to the 'real' shells, the police will be there to write the report, and the coroner will be there to outline the sillouette of a man trying like hell to cycle the dummy rounds out of his shotgun while some freak hopped up on meth is stabbing him. Great plan! Glad I'm not your roommate ;)

Not quite. It all depends on state law... any interloper is a fair target...
Let me know how that turns out for you.
TX is one of the last bastions of freedom... but even they have had many successful challenges to the "shoot to defend your property" concept. You length of jail time may only be a few hours, but the point is that it is a big frikking deal to shoot someone. The very least of your worries will be the tens of thousands of dollars it will cost to defend yourself from the DA. Basically most things that someone could steal from your house, are worth much less than the cost of shooting that same thief. I know, it's pretty unfair to us law abiders, but that's the way it is.
Threat is impossible to quantify, especially for people other than yourself. That's why it better be pretty darn obvious to everyone that the threat to your physical well being was real.
Swak... you are almost right. Actively "investigating" the disturbance downstairs could be construed as you "instigating" or "escalating" the confrontation. However if someone comes up your stairs at 3 am and does not yeild to your verbal commands, then you are likely justified.

Originally posted by DrEVS
Glad I'm not your roommate ;)
The feelings mutual

I know most of you wont care, but here's the the GoldenRule: You can only shoot if you, or your loved one, is under threat of great bodily harm or death. If some punk is running out your front door with your 5K stereo system, or some other punk is stealing your X, and you shoot them, you'll easily be convicted of murder. Your life is essentially over.

That's why I said in my previous post,
Seriously, if someone is in your house with the intent of doing you or your family harm, why WOULDN'T you want to blow his chest apart??!?!
Ultimately I would contest that living with the possibility of being sued is a hell of alot better than not living at all! Swak and nweibley are absolutely right in their points of view, nobody is saying to blow someone's head off if their stereo is being stolen.

Actively "investigating" the disturbance downstairs could be construed as you "instigating" or "escalating" the confrontation.
:rolleyes: Not quite. Remember, they are breaking into your house and should they choose to resort to violence whether or not a verbal insult or visual contact has been made, they will be susceptible to the repercussions of such actions...period. I think that we're all on the same side here...

I've heard somewhere that if you decide to shoot, you need to keep shooting until it's empty.

If it's just one or two shots, they seem deliberate, and not acting on 'fight or flight' mentality. It's harder to convince a jury (if it gets to that point) that you felt threatened and panicked if the shots were calculated and precise.

I don't know much about the law though.. And I do live in Texas, so maybe that only applies here.

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Originally posted by DaHeinah
Not quite. Remember, they are breaking into your house and should they choose to resort to violence whether or not a verbal insult or visual contact has been made, they will be susceptible to the repercussions of such actions...period. I think that we're all on the same side here...

We're definitely all on the same side here. The reason I jumped in was because I saw some catastrophically flawed logic, underscored my a misunderstanding of the law and it's potential interpretations.
I would urge you to do a little case history research regarding home invasion shootings, and 'defensive shootings' in general. Whenever I think about ramifications of those types of situations, I always look at it from the DA's perspective, cause ultimately he/she (not one of us keyboard QB's) is going to decide your fate.

I'm not sure I completely agree with the idea of 'shooting till empty', but I understand its merits. Using the above perspective, though, could you see how a DA could argue that "the vicious blood thirsty shooter just wanted to kill my client, ravaging his corpse with 15 bullets in a spectacle of testosterone fueled vengance" or some equally ridiculous crap?
Also, shooting to excess could lead to multiple misses and collateral damage downrange.
I still think the 'shoot to stop' rationale is the most appropriate, but of course it's open to interpretation.
