ever tried paintball? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ever tried paintball?


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2002
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Ashland, KY
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'03 XLT 4x4, 4.0L!
Ok I relize I'm a bit younger than most in here but anyway you guys need to go out and try some paintball, it's a very nice adrenalin rush as well as a good way to spend some extra cash ;)

I play on team Impulse Owners Group, certified techinician for Smart Parts Impulses'. I have been playing large tournament ball NPPL and WPF for about 2-3 years from St.Louis To Huntington,WV.

Paintball evolved from people in BDU's in the woods hiding to something way more addictive and quick, although an occasional woods game is great. Go out to your local feild and try it with a couple freinds who knows you might be impressed. :D

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It is definitely a good way to blow through some unwanted cash. What kind of gun do you have? Ive got a 2001 Autococker with a J+J 12" ceramic, ANS quick pull venturi bolt, and a 12 voly revvy hopper. Rest of it is stock, but im probaly goin compressed tank pretty soon... hopefully...

currently I have an Adrenalin Impulse on order they take 5-8 weeks to custom andonize, $1,100.00 Gun only ;)

Black Halo B
and a soon to come out Dye Throttle 71cu/4500psi Tank, Also sporting on the pimp SP threads....

Yes ! I HAVE!
Get this..... 3-4 times! 22 years ago!
When no one knew it as around. Went to PA
40-50 of us got together each time and we got our own field.
Greatest time! It's best with all friends

The only problem is, all my buddies think they grew up and play golf now.
(we can dispense with the old timer jokes, thank you)
:eek: :eek:

yeah i play a couple times a year...when i can find others to play with. i have a 99 ****er with all kinds of goodies. running nitrogen and for semi auto it does about 9 balls per second.

i love playing but being 6'7 sucks sometimes in that game

Paintball is GREAT!!!:D ...I plan on playing with a bunch of friends this weekend. I play whenever we can get 4 or 5 people together out in the front yard or anywhere else.

I tried paintballing once, rented the equipment, seems pretty good, I think its a real fun sport with some great tactics, only wish i was better tho..

wow... more popular than I thought

MMMMMMM Paintball.........I got's a earon carter ****er, mmmmm talk about meat and potatos!!!!! Played some turney ball at M R Paintball and even got to tryout the Sup air ball field a few times now dats a rush all u hear is THUDTHUDTHUDTHUD when the balls start hitting the air bags, speed ball all the way cant stand running thru da woods lookin fer stuff 2 shoot at gimme a 5 min 5 on 5 game any day.

airball is fun, but it sucks when you get a bad angle, and then when the bunker next to you takes fire, they just bounce of and hit you. i used to have 99 ****er tricked out, but i sold it and bought an em1. for $250 you cant beat the rate of fire, and i bet ive got one of the only ones with a kapp drop forward on it, still using the stock reg.

rate of fire!!!!
sniper is much more fun:D

Well i was the teams dumper cause i could afford the $150 a week to play den i bought da X and sorta stopped playing

me and some buddies play a few times in the summer, great sport, and im glad its gotten good publicity in recent years.....I have a spyder pro or something, its anodized green, and i have a stingray 2 POS with some mods, the stingray was my first gun.......Sorry no big $$$$$$ spent on paintball for me, i enjoy my sound system more.......

"I was made a dumper" Weak and worthless excuse!

Put paint is in a cheap garden sprayer and play flame thrower squad leader

Believe me...... you WILL lead the way..who would want to be behind you.

I'm one of those guys who still plays in the woods when I go back to MI twice a year but playing in the desert here is pretty good too.

I usually shoot a whole case atleast come tourney day ;)

Well....."I was made a dumper" Weak and worthless excuse!

Put paint is in a cheap garden sprayer and play flame thrower squad leader"

Y would i need a cheap garden sprayer i have a carter ****er with a 3/16 trigger pull and my 12 volt rev can hardly keep up? :D

I can hold 200 balls in da hopper and 800 in my JT speed pods and i have ran out of paint in a 5min game most my team ever used at a tourney was 14 cases of Diablo Hell fire, But my personal favorite paint is called Evil, hard to get it in red neck alberta canada tho ;)

Evil is good stuff, Did you know the first batches of the stuff contained a ton of iodine, therefore un-wipeable

i play quite often. now i am shooting an a-5. with the rt trigger the rof is unbeliveable.

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