Parking Brake Issue - Swapped disks for drums | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Parking Brake Issue - Swapped disks for drums


January 11, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
PTown, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I searched and probably missed the answer somewhere as I'm sure that this has been done before... I just put in a '95 rear end with disk brakes into my '92 that had drums. I'm having a problem with the parking brake cable. The two cables are different and not interchangeable (at least they don't appear to be to me). The cable lengths are slightly different and so are the connectors and I'm having a hard time getting the parking brake cable from the disks to match up with my parking barke cable from before. Anyone done this before? What's the best way to get this to work?

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ive actually had the same problem. i havnt figured it out yet, i got a bunch of ford parking break cables that i plan to try out (each are a different length). when i picked my disk rear end i bought the cables that were still attached. if all else fails i planned on snipping and using cable clamps to attach the parking break....ghetto/redneck...i know
good luck in your search tho.

ive actually had the same problem. i havnt figured it out yet, i got a bunch of ford parking break cables that i plan to try out (each are a different length). when i picked my disk rear end i bought the cables that were still attached. if all else fails i planned on snipping and using cable clamps to attach the parking break....ghetto/redneck...i know
good luck in your search tho.
'91 and '92 Explorers use an adjustment mechanism inline and underneath the vehicle. I need to make a new inline adjuster about 8" in length that attaches to the cable ends. '93 through '99 have an automatic cable adjuster built into the parking brake mechanism. Since yours is a '93 you might be able to make your adjustments there depending on how short or long your cables are.

One solution for '91 and '92 explorers. I bought a 5/16" turn buckle and a 5/16" threaded bolt at HD. Took apart the old adjustor and made a new one as seen in the picture. Had to drill out part of the old adjustor to put in a bolt to hold the turn buckle in place. I also used a nut on the bolt to act as jam nut to lock things in place.


  • parking brake adjustor.jpg
    parking brake adjustor.jpg
    58.2 KB · Views: 747

The 'easy' solution is usually to pull the whole parking brake system from the donor vehicle, or just grab everything from the pedal back on a 95-01 with rear discs.

You can probably make it work with the 93-94 mechanism and cables too, but might just be easier to get the whole thing.

Plenty of people parting out '95's+ in the for sale forum that would have the pedal, adjuster, and cables for cheap.

The 'easy' solution is usually to pull the whole parking brake system from the donor vehicle, or just grab everything from the pedal back on a 95-01 with rear discs.

You can probably make it work with the 93-94 mechanism and cables too, but might just be easier to get the whole thing.

Plenty of people parting out '95's+ in the for sale forum that would have the pedal, adjuster, and cables for cheap.

I've looked at the pedal mechanism from the 95+ and it looks very similar so I'm assuming then that bolting it up where the original 92 one went?

XLTBa, did you have to put a 95 master cylinder in too?

Sorry to not be bringing any good info to the table but I'm doing the same exact thing to my 92 and am looking for all the info I can get before I start unbolting things.

Lokar makes an e-brake cable set for the Explorer style drum brake. It is a cut-to-fit set (in other words, the cables and housings a long - you lay the cables out, then cut them to the correct length.)

I am getting ready to install a set on the Ex axle I put in my Ranger.

I've looked at the pedal mechanism from the 95+ and it looks very similar so I'm assuming then that bolting it up where the original 92 one went?

XLTBa, did you have to put a 95 master cylinder in too?

Sorry to not be bringing any good info to the table but I'm doing the same exact thing to my 92 and am looking for all the info I can get before I start unbolting things.

I did not switch master cylinders and the brakes work fine. I have not done a panic stop yet, but I don't think you'll have any problems since the '92 only has rear ABS. I've also read on other forums where people have done this drum to disk swap and have not changed master cylinders.

Yours looks a lot cleaner than mine. I see you used the cable loops. I almost went that route but didn't want to cut the cables. Once cut, can't uncut. However, I think your solution might be better as you can use a bigger turn buckle for a higher load.

I don't know if it works any better but I do like the look of the cable loops.

Thanks guys for the info on the master cylinder.
