Part # for 5r55w solenoid pack | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Part # for 5r55w solenoid pack


Well-Known Member
September 2, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 4.6L
I am planning to replace the transmission solenoid pack on my 2002 Explorer XLT, 4.6L, 5r55w, with Towing package/LS 3.73 differential. Can anyone tell me which part numbers will work in my transmission? I see various p/n's available from aftermarket/remans, new-in-box on E-Bay, etc. for anywhere from $100 - $360

1L2Z-7G391-AG: I believe this is the original, but I haven't eye-balled it on the car.

1L2Z-7G391-AC: Is this compatible? what's the difference from -AG to -AC?

9L2Z-7G391-A: claims to be updated module good for all 5r55w's. Is this true?

Any help or suggested sources would be appreciated.

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I am planning to replace the transmission solenoid pack on my 2002 Explorer XLT, 4.6L, 5r55w, with Towing package/LS 3.73 differential. Can anyone tell me which part numbers will work in my transmission? I see various p/n's available from aftermarket/remans, new-in-box on E-Bay, etc. for anywhere from $100 - $360

1L2Z-7G391-AG: I believe this is the original, but I haven't eye-balled it on the car.

1L2Z-7G391-AC: Is this compatible? what's the difference from -AG to -AC?

9L2Z-7G391-A: claims to be updated module good for all 5r55w's. Is this true?

Any help or suggested sources would be appreciated.

i'll give this one a bump - need to have this info, too

Thanks for the bump! it was feeling lonely out there.

I've concluded that I will buy the 1L2Z-7G391-AG.

This is not based on "conclusive" evidence, but rather that that number is buried under the "Buyer Info" tab on the site. I'm sure that that p/n is good for some of the 5r55w's in service, but I think I have the "early build" pre 3/2/2002 build-date model, and maybe that's the difference. Trying to look up later years to see if there's a newer but backwardly-compatible solenoid just seemed to send their website off to into the boonies (transfer-case diags instead of the transmission diags).

I thought that since there were so many probs with this solenoid pack, that they may have come up with newer revisions to remedy the problems. The newer p/n solenoids are cheaper, too, but I don't get the "feeling" that they are compatible.

My problem isn't an emergency, so fortunately I can shop around for a while and do this when it's convenient. I've got 165K miles on it, original owner, changed ATF at 100K (dealer) and 150K (DIY), has towing package but never really towed before. Shifts a little funny, but its hard to explain the shifting, and its not really that bad, and it gets 17mpg combined city/highway, so I will get around to replacing the solenoid sometime...

Oh, and I've decided to buy a new-in-box, vice re-man, where ever I get it from.
Thanks again.

I'm also seeing 9L2Z-7G324AA advertised as a "third revision" to the solenoid pack design. Anybody have any experience with this part? What is considered the "best" solution at this point? I really don't want to be messing with this every 60,000 miles.

I'm also seeing 9L2Z-7G324AA advertised as a "third revision" to the solenoid pack design. Anybody have any experience with this part? What is considered the "best" solution at this point? I really don't want to be messing with this every 60,000 miles.

I bought a new one about a month or two ago off of ebay with that part number but haven't installed yet. Going to put it in next month.

I'd say if they updated it then it is probably good to use the most updated one.

i hate to veer off topic slightly but i know ronin and i chatted about mine bieng replaced and after a bit of research i found
it lists part number/ref # i had installed and it is 1L2Z-7G391A
im so confused i cant find any info on this part number anywhere

i need the part # for '03 explorer xlt 4.0 with a 5R55W transmission i need it for the solenoid pack can anyone help?

Did anyone ever find out the difference? I order 1L2Z7G391AG for my 04 4.0 but i think it is supposed to be 9L2Z-7G324AA . Will the one i order work? I have 250k on the explorer now so i don't think i will get a whole lot left out of it. So longevity of the Solenoid probably isnt my biggest concern. If i can get another 50 -75k out of it i would be very happy.

Anyone have any more info about the part numbers? Thanks
