Paul's Halloween shake down run: Naches Trail 11/2/13 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paul's Halloween shake down run: Naches Trail 11/2/13

Did we even do anything to be fearful of?

That last climb where we both had to winch, after gettting passed the stump, I some how got too far left and my passenger tires ended up in the ditch. I was so far on to my passenger side that I lost all my winshield washer fluid out of the passenger side nozzle.

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That last climb where we both had to winch, after gettting passed the stump, I some how got too far left and my passenger tires ended up in the ditch. I was so far on to my passenger side that I lost all my winshield washer fluid out of the passenger side nozzle.

At that point, there were only 2 directions you could have gone, forwards or backwards (says the guy who drove around). Kind of hard to roll when you're in a trench.
