Pause when cornering | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pause when cornering


July 6, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Taneytown, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 XLT
Hello all,

When I or my wife go around 90 degree turns the truck pauses, and when you get back on the gas it jerks a bit. I don't know if it's us not used to the go pedal or something more serious.

Any thoughts?

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Welcome to the site fellow Marylander :) Hmm.. do the gauges change at all for that second or is it more of a hesitation? I've never heard of that occuring in a vehicle. Definately check to see if the gauges are doing anything or even a CEL light.

Welcome to this forum! Check for a vacuum leak. You might have the throttle by wire set up in your vehicle. Those systems are known for acceleration problems. The computer would have to be flashed, and reprogrammed to fix a throttle by wire problem.

Yeah mate, I think mine dose something similar every now and agene like 2-3 times a month, but only on a left turn, and it’s only ever happened on these 2 corners just near my house every time, and never anywhere else, it is very strange.

I will like start to turn left and get like half way into the turn then the truck “Pauses” as you say. The Tacho will drop down to 500RPM then just as quickly it will jump back to 2500RPM and the truck will pull away as per normal.

The strange thing is I turn left at these exact same 2 corners 5 days a week on my way home from work and in a month it will only do it 2-3 times and no matter how hard I try I can’t replicate it anywhere else.

I haven't paid too much attention to the gages. But I will do so next time I notice it.

Thanks for the welcome.

I think this may be the "RSC" or roll stability control kicking in ... designed to prevent you from gassing it on a hard corner...

johnroy said:
I think this may be the "RSC" or roll stability control kicking in ... designed to prevent you from gassing it on a hard corner...

My truck doesn't have RSC though.

Check the transmission fluid level.
Have you ever noticed it doing it when you get on the brakes and stop hard?


daveleeander said:
Check the transmission fluid level.
Have you ever noticed it doing it when you get on the brakes and stop hard?


Will do. And no, I have not noticed it doing it then.

On 2004,2005 & 2006 there is a Dealer TSB for that problem. The dealer will have to reflash the computer to solve the problem. Has been a major problem on V-6 and some V-8's.

I'll look into that, thank-you.

I have the dealer TSB# It is: TSB 04-26-20. Hope this helps.
