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Performance mods for 5.0L


I have an X-Charger customer that is trying out the 2.4" inch pulley. He has similar mods as you. He is going to install it and then run it on the dyno. I would like to see how it works for him and I can get back to you with the results.

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i am currently working on 5.0 explorer headers but they can not be finished until i am done with my long tubes for the markVIII series. the exhaust and headers on the 5.0 is what hurts them the most. yes you can put a mustang TB on it but it is a pain in the but and only worth it with a serious motor like my brother. i would only go 77mm or bigger with a pro-m because if you are there do it right the first time. a 75 will net some power but later on with a SC or other mods you need a 80 or so.

as soon as you start on those headers, let a brother know. :D i will buy the first set you sell...

I have been on and off working on headers for my 5.0L 1999 Ranger 4x4 and I have not been able to determine a good routing for long or short tubes, which will be able to be installed with the engine in. I could do a set of shorty headers, but would not be even close to equal length.

BLK MK8, if you get these finished, let me know. I would be interested.

Otherwise, I will complete my 1/2 done set of long tubes an install with my 347 in the spring.

long tubes will make a ton of power. there was a explorer trying to be like my brother in ft.lauderdale that rand a low 14 all motor with long tubes, heads, cam and intake. he has nitrous as well but is selling the truck.

Was this a 95+ Explorer V8 with long tubes? If so, can you get any pictures of them? I am trying to figure out the best routing and have some issues.

It is tough with the available space in the explorer/ranger engine bay trying to make them equal or even near equal length!

although i know the guy and he is freinds with another freind of ming. i do not have access to pictures or have his number. i know he used headmen mustang long tubes. he had to hack up the motor mount and move the engine like 2inches up to make it fit and as well as some othe rigs. equal length is good but it does not have to be dead on either. especialy with your blower just make them kinda of close.

Ahh, moved the engine up. I will not do that.

As for the length, I want to be close, but even getting to within a few inches is tough.

I have two sets of brand new Flowtech mustang headers, which I diced up and am using to make the custom ones. I basically bought the headers fort he bends, flanges, and collectors - cheaper than I could do by buying the parts individual! These headers are 16gauge steel, so not too bad. I will get them JetHot coated once done.

Thanks for the info on this other one.

Originally posted by DarkFox1
50 series duals with 2.5 would be great on a 5.0

Where's the best place to get some Exhausts from, specifically the Flowmaster 50 series? I have a '98 Mercury Mountaineer with the V8 and the KKM Induction, this would obviously be the next step for me.

online on a store or at a muffler shop. buying a set of headers and cutting them is a good idea. he had problems getting them over the stearing shaft but he got it i think. i know that i would not do them the way he did. i think the easiest thing to do is buy mac shorties and cut the one or two tubes that dont fit and make them. even a shortie would pick up a lot.

I agree that any true 4 into 1 headers would be better than the stock or even FRPP manifolds. I am doing the long tubes, since I would need to mod the cat pipe either way and you may as well get the most benefit.

I have a '98 Ranger 4x2 with an '99 Explorer 302 with a E303 cam and a custom exhaust.

I'm using FRP Explorer headers and a custom 2.25" Y Pipe with high flow car sound cats that come down to a 3" cat back with a 3" In/OUT Magnaflow muffler and it sounds great. It's quiet around town and opens up nicely at the strip.

Tmsoko and I are friends and drag each other once a month at a strip up here. He beat me this month with his supercharger, but I had him last month :) My best time is 15.4 at 87 MPH.

I purchased some GT-40 X heads and I plan to run 1.7 roller rockers. I want to hit the 100 mph mark.

You guys need sound clips and vids of your Rangers. :cool:

I really want to burn a sound clip soon. I am thinking of doing it durning my Dyno tune session, but I need to figure out how to make a good digital reacording. I will figure it out one way or another.
