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Performance mods?

Well, as far as exhaust goes, not looking for performance. I like sound too :) I've heard that adding a new maf and tb without doing other major engine mods is a waste of money.

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Sound comes from the muffler,very little is affected by pipes that more of a flow thing.if you want pipes I would suggest take it to a shop and have duals ran with a good muffler be easyer than buying one.the tb mod is free and the maf is very cheap at junkyards and IT will add power and a very mean growl.

Well clearly i dont know what i'm talking about so i guess i should just go. but the truth is, it's arguable that any of these bolt-on mods for 4.0's add any real horsepower. if you aren't adding forced induction, or changing heads, cam, or stroke, there isn't a whole lot you can do to change the performance of an engine, all the stock parts are adequate for the stock internals of the engine. so gains are little to none.

today i did a 0-60 in my bone stock (daily driver) 93 explorer 4x4. it was 15 seconds. but i had an axle in the back weighting it down a little.. even though, that's not very fast. i think if you did all these bolt on mods (air filter, air box, intake system, MAF, TB, headers, exhaust, under-drive pulleys, etc) and you got it down to 14 seconds, you'd be doing pretty good. i dont think it's worth the money, and hassle for that though.

by the way, is that a 4.0 in you're avitar? it looks like it has some of those proven-worthless headers on it.

Well clearly i dont know what i'm talking about so i guess i should just go. but the truth is, it's arguable that any of these bolt-on mods for 4.0's add any real horsepower. if you aren't adding forced induction, or changing heads, cam, or stroke, there isn't a whole lot you can do to change the performance of an engine, all the stock parts are adequate for the stock internals of the engine. so gains are little to none.

today i did a 0-60 in my bone stock (daily driver) 93 explorer 4x4. it was 15 seconds. but i had an axle in the back weighting it down a little.. even though, that's not very fast. i think if you did all these bolt on mods (air filter, air box, intake system, MAF, TB, headers, exhaust, under-drive pulleys, etc) and you got it down to 14 seconds, you'd be doing pretty good. i dont think it's worth the money, and hassle for that though.

by the way, is that a 4.0 in you're avitar? it looks like it has some of those proven-worthless headers on it.
Very true.and yes there is headers on my motor but my internals and heads are far from stock and that pic is of my old each his own.

Where is a good website for exhaust parts for the 1st gens? I have done searches online with no luck. What engine is the 4.0L then? Def not a 302! LOL! I wouldn't think putting in a V8 into this engine bay would be a good idea, its way too small as it is lol.

New fan, now on the mod list!

Haha I meant swap to a 302. 5.0 It was and is an option so it does fit. Tight if you ask me but it fits. Thats what I meant.. I was being sarcastic. I just honestly can't see spending alot of money on our 4.0's when its not meant to be fast.... you know?

Yeah I know. I was just thinking lol. I am a V8 junkie, hence the mach 1 parked in my garage :)
Guess it will be just some little things here and there to satisfy my mod bug.

Yeah I know. I was just thinking lol. I am a V8 junkie, hence the mach 1 parked in my garage :)
Guess it will be just some little things here and there to satisfy my mod bug.

satisfy you're speed mod bug modding that mustang. if you want to mod the X get stuff like offroad tires, a nice lift and lockers (if its a 4x4) or upgrade the stereo.. my '93 explorer is the first vehicle ive owned where i can actually listen to AND enjoy the stereo.. enough that i put some good jbl speakers in it. its nice having something which doesn't have a ton of road noise.

Oh yeah, I've already done some modding to the mach 1, and have a whole list more of stuff that I want done lol.
I need a new stereo for sure:) That's one thing I do need haha. is the place to shop.. Deep discounts for sure!
