PIAA 1500 wiring questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PIAA 1500 wiring questions

Ok. I have a few questions about wiring a set of PIAA 1500 driving lights. What I want to do is wire them into my hi-beams so that the will turn on when I have my hi-beams on. I want to do this without using any of the existing fog light wires (I will be putting these lights in the stock fog location). Is this possible to do? (If the answer is yes then I will have a couple of tougher questions so stay posted). I should be able to run the switch wire right into the hi-beam wire in that relay box by the intake, right?

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that's actually how the manufacturor will typically recommend you setting them up.
Just mount your relay, run your power wires to the battery, run your wires to the lights, take the switch wire and splice it into your hi-beam wire. The easiest place to find the hi-beam wire is right behind the bulb, you've got only three wires to choose from at that point, only two really because one will be black for ground. Then it's a toss-up for which one is which (at least for me cause I hate looking up what wire does what LOL)

OK. sounds easy enough. Here is my next, tougher question.

I want to have the driving lights controled by the hi-beams, but I also want to control them buy the stock fog light switch. If i just use the stock fog light wires and hook that into the switch wire then that will also turn on my hi-beams, right? Won't the power go back through and hit the hi-beam wire? I don't want that happening. If it won't work that way, can I put a switch in the truck that will switch between hi-beam control and fog light switch control? I want to be able to control the driving lights with the hi-beams for regular driving (so I dont have to keep leaning over to the fog light switch everytime a car is coming) and I also want to be able to run the driving lights separate from all the other lights. By the way, I have already rewired my fog light switch to be independent of all other lights. Let me know what you think and if I totally confused you, sorry.

Ok take a look at this: Dead Link Removed You place a three position(on-off-on) switch in the wire going from the relay to the kw(piaa) switch.
In one of the "on" positions it completes the circut from the relay to the kw switch.
In the other "on" position it recieves the power to activate the relay from your fog light swiitch.
I hope I have explained it OK cause it's clear as mud to me.
Let me know....

Bill, I understand what you mean but the link didn't work. The only problem that I see happening is that if the switch wire is connected to the hi-beam wire and the fog light switch then, even if I have my hi-beams off, when I turn the fog light switch on it will send power through to the hi-beams also.

I drew up a diagram but, can one of you give me your email address so I can send it to you? I need you to tell me if it will work. Thanks guys.


The three position switch isolates the hookup of the switch connected to the high beams from the fog light switch. You cant operate both at the same time.
I'll check email when I get back from work. 4 hrs or so.

Bill, in that diagram, could you please put in any fuses and the amp of the fuses. The last thing I want to do is blow something up (which wouldnt be uncommon, it kinda runs in the family :D ). Also, add in where the relays would be. Thanks.

Ok lets see if this shows up.
As you can see I cant draw. Questions??


  • wiring daigramii.jpg
    wiring daigramii.jpg
    26.5 KB · Views: 231

ok i know that seems clear as day to you but i am still a little confused. I wont be needing the switch that comes with the lights, right? so in the diagram where is says kc switch, that will really be my head light switch, right? sorry if im making this harder than it really is but the whole relay bit confuses the hell outta me.

ill try drawing up another diagram and sending it to you. i really appreciate you helping me. thanks.

Right..If you dont want the (kc) switch just run the wire from the hign beans to the three position switch.
Your head light switch is not shown on this diagram.
Your headlight switch would provide the power that comes from the wire on the right (you splice that into the hign beam wire).

Nevermind Bill, I got it. I just stared at it for about 25 min and it finally clicked. Sorry for all the confusion on my part. Thanks again for your help. I guess my next step is to talk to Matt to pick up a set of these. :)

What bulbs do the 1500 driving lights take?

the 1500's take an H3 bulb.

In that diagram that Bill drew up, where it says "to fog light switch", can that go to the positive wire down by the lights or does it have to come from near the switch before the fog light relay? The reason I'm asking is because I really don't want to take that plastic piece that the switch is mounted to out because of the way that I had to put my radio in. If I hooked it up to the switch after the fog light relay will that be too much power for the switch or any other part of the setup?

I've drawn power from the fog lights by getting it just behind the bulb, any where you get it should be fine.

:usa: :chug: :ca:

Power for the driving lights should come from the battery via a relay, the relay should be controlled by the high beam wire going to the head lights. You can find the wire in the engine bay or from the back of the head lights.
The power draw is minimal so the headlights should not notice the power loss.

Another thought, add relays to power the head lights while you are at it and use the existing high and low beam wires to control the relays, (and the driving light relay).

Your front end lighting will be as bright as possible with the relays in place for the headlights and the driving lights. Make sure to use wiring size equal to or larger (prefered) to run power from the battery to the relays and then to the lighting.
Also, make sure you fuse all of the power wires at the battery.
Another thought, if you do the above increase the ground wire size also.

Just some thoughts.
Good Luck,

:confused: I think I'm gonna stick with what I understand. What you are saying sounds good but I would mess something up. Thanks anyways.
