Plastic Creaking on drive side dash - DRIVING ME CRAZY! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Plastic Creaking on drive side dash - DRIVING ME CRAZY!


July 13, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer V6 4.0
Hi everyone,

So I just got a 2006 Explorer XLT and I love it, the only thing that is really getting to me is the near constant 'clicking'/'rubbing' of some plastic on the dash. I am not 100% sure what is rubbing, but I suspect it may be the plastic covering the top of the steering wheel column and the glass overtop of the gauges. When I push/pull on the plastic it usually stops for a period of time, before starting again. If I had to equate it to any sound, I would say it sounds exactly like a computer hard drive processing. I am an audiophile and am installing a new system, so I cannot deal with this annoying rubbing sound. Has anyone experienced this? And does anyone have any ideas on how to determine where it is coming from and how to fix it?

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I had a strange noise that I thought was coming from the passenger door area and it turned out to be the garage door opener had slipped from it's Velco. Check you GD opener and the sunglass holder! Just a thought.

Wow i thought i was the only one, haha. My center consol and passenger side B pillar both make a ticking noise because the metal clips that hold them together are not perfect.
Here is what i did: "Rubber Cement"
First i took apart the center consol and put rubber cement on everysingle one of the conections same with the plastic cover over the B pillar. I let it dry overnight and BAM no more rattle noise. Well so far it has worked, i did that back in january when i bought my EX and it still is working. The fact that rubber cement is soft helps absorb any vibrations that the parts may be experiencing. As a plus if i ever need to remove the center consol the rubber cement will come off really easy.

Anybody ever figure out what this is. I have the same issue under the driver side dash area and it seems to be getting worse. Sounds like squeaking plastic.

This can indeed be an issue with a loose screw on interior body parts, but look carefully at some other possibilities. I experienced a similar problem with my Ranger and discovered it to be a water bottle in the cupholder. One time it was my cell phone moving around, another it was an object in the glove box. If nothing like that, try having a passenger armed with a stethoscope listen around the dash while driving around.

had the same issue on my 06, center consol made same kind of noise, so does my passenger side b pillar. I took them off, found the spots and used 150grit sandpaper to sand down the area of contact. worked great :)

Long story short, my wife has an Escape with the hideous gray trim, in the car washing section of and automotive store they have a spray for making the trim shine like your tires. My center console was creaking, so I took it apart and hit the contact points with this stuff (wd-40 would probably work too) put it back together and I have no problems. That was six months ago, still silent as a sleeping baby.

Well, after all this time, I have still not been able to identify this annoying noise. I have taken as much of the plastic off the dash and door as I can. I still have the squeeky sound. It only makes the noise when the vehicle is in motion. I cannot reproduce it while standing still. Anyone have any thoughts?

I have the sound of plastic creaking someones knee is pressed up against the passanger door. I have no idea how to fix that.

The little black box behind the back mirror also makes noise when driving. Check this!

Just to chime in, I had the squaky console, and I stuck a quarter in the little slot between the center console and the i guess "radio section". If you put the quarter in there as far as it will go the sqeaking from teh center console will stop.


I experiment by stuffing a matchbook in various openings. When I find the source of the squeak I stuff it with piece of felt cloth. This method has been working on my Aerostar for 13 years.
