Plastic Problems..... *grumble* | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Plastic Problems..... *grumble*


February 7, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Oakland(Montclair), CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Eddie Bauer
OK i have two questions. one is under the hood, the other is in the car but its technical. I am trying to figure out a way to remove the plastic fastner for my airbox on my '95 X. Dead Link Removed
if anybody knows how to git that little dealy out, besides taking off the front quarter panel, I would be very grateful.

The second question is regarding that mysterious black box that houses the climate control stuff:
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does anybody know how to open this up? My auto climate control is'nt automatic anymore and my fan only has on/off speed, and i have all the replacement parts I need, except I CANT OPEN THE BOX!!!!!!!

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks a million

**ALSO, i have noticed that my images dont show up in the post. How do you make em do that so i dont have to waste ur guys' time copying and pasting weblinks?**

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Hmmm, can't help you with the A/C box but I think I can help you with the airbox. It looks like what's holding it on is that plastic plug. You should be able to pull that out using a little elbow grease. The easy way would be with a panel popper tool ($6 at an autoparts store, looks kind of like a claw hammer end). If you don't have that tool, a pair of needle-nose pliers should do the trick, just pull the darned thing out!

well, I don't know what your engine compartment looks like, but here is a pic of mine from my 97 OHV.
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If yours is the same the airbox pops out without removing fasteners. Just get a good grip and pull up and towards the driver side and it should pop out. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but you can take a look at what I did when I pulled the airbox...

The code for images on this board is [i mg]address goes here[/img] Just take the space out from in between the 'i' and 'm' in the first brackets. Don't put quotes around the address either. I'm not sure that the code you are using will work correctly.

a little help

Alec's right about the plastic clip. I just stuck a knife blade behind mine and popped it out. I can't help with the climate controls either...sorry!

Hmmm..... I tried to put your pictures in this post and it obviously didn't work either. I just noticed they are from I believe I read in another post that geocities will not let you post pics on a bulletin board. Try making an account at

Geocities doesn't like us for some reason. For whatever reason when you go to put photos on the board the server doesn't post them. It's happened to us all. I tried fixing it so the photos would show, but to no success. I did make it so a click on the link would open the photo from your site. The second URL though doesn't work. :)


I got an accout at, and im working on setting it up. I fixed my crappy homepage at so that the second link should work......later this afternoon i'm gonna do that "make your own filtercharger" project by Tim K and stare at that black box and scratch my head confusedly. thanks for all the help


thank you everybody!! i got the airbox out by pulling, grunting and wiggling that little grommet loose with a screwdriver. I did the do it yourself filtercharger from Tim K and now my engine is not sucking all its air through a ****tail straw!! next up: making ram air with the march performnace air dam scoop!!!

glad to hear things worked out....

let us know how the ram air works!

And good luck with the sealed black box from hell.

If you are looking for performance gains then an Ram-AIR is not going to work on your lower end of the power-curve, an ram air will only help if you go above 55 mph.

At 55mph the air pressure in the dam will be great enough to make an pressure filling on the cylinders, what will work better is try to get cooler air to the intake, how cooler the better.You know cool air is more dense then warm air and will expand more in the burning process wich will turn to more HP at the wheels at any rpm and any power-curve range.

If you ask me Ram-Air looks good but defintaly isn't worth the money if you looking for performance gains.

for the ram air, i was planning on buying the March Performance air dam scoop for $55, and running some PVC piping up to a small airbox. Ive seen several people do this on their C*evys, so why couldn't a blue oval person do it? The dimensions for the scoop are time to find some $.

**ALSO** because of the scoop location the air would be much colder than the engine compartment, and I would be putting insulating materials around it to ward off that O2 robbing heat!

i didn't say that you couldn't do it, personally i love an air dam on an hood, but it's not going to give you an performance gain like an passenger car with ram-air....

but it looks awesome if tyou choose the right dam...
