Plowing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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February 7, 2011
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Menomonee Falls WI
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05 XLT
So i have searched and searched and have found nothing about using a 3rd gen for plowing. What do all you guys think about it? Its an 05 all stock and runs solid it would be for small lots like gas stations and driveways. My girlfriends dad and I are thinking about starting a lawn care/snow plowing business and cant afford to buy a new truck. And also if it is possible what would need to be done to the front end?


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So i have searched and searched and have found nothing about using a 3rd gen for plowing. What do all you guys think about it? Its an 05 all stock and runs solid it would be for small lots like gas stations and driveways. My girlfriends dad and I are thinking about starting a lawn care/snow plowing business and cant afford to buy a new truck. And also if it is possible what would need to be done to the front end?


Honestly I probably wouldn't plow with an Ex. Use the search function if you havent to see if there are any other threads on plowing. I know I saw a couple before winter 2010

My local municipality has an earlier (03 or 04) ex that is set up with a plow. The only reason I noticed is because I thought they were nuts, but considering their repair budget is bigger than ours they can keep up with the failures. Next time I see it I'll try to catch the make of the plow setup. I wouldn't dare do it but I have an 02 on its second transmission.

I would say put a tranny temp gauge in your truck along with an aux trans cooler if you don't already have one and keep an eye on the gauge. A big thing I can see the plowing working on is your transfer case over time. Use common sense while plowing keep in mind while it is a truck frame it still isn't tough like an F250 so don't go fast where you know there is bumps that the plow could catch. Also alot of plows made for our trucks are not labeled for commercial use so the plow may not hold up to what you're going to put it through.

So i have searched and searched and have found nothing about using a 3rd gen for plowing. What do all you guys think about it? Its an 05 all stock and runs solid it would be for small lots like gas stations and driveways. My girlfriends dad and I are thinking about starting a lawn care/snow plowing business and cant afford to buy a new truck. And also if it is possible what would need to be done to the front end?


I live just outside Buffalo, NY, so I've been around snow all my life and I have never seen anyone in my area using a Ford Explorer for snow plowing. I've seen older model Ford Expeditions, Suburbans, Broncos, Blazers, Rangers set up for plowing, but not Ford Explorers. I've also seen a few older model S-10 Blazers and Pickups with small plows on them. I think you will have problems with the transmission if you plow with your Ex, since so many of us have had to replace these garbage automatic transmissions Ford stuck in these vehicles without ever having towed or plowed with them. The suspensions are also not set up for the pounding snow plowing with exert on them. If you do stick a plow on it, maybe get a "Lexan" plow blade to help reduce the overall weight on the front suspension. One of my neighbors has a Lexan plow blade on his older model Iszushu Pickup truck , seems to handle it okay. His vehicle is a standard transmission.

I would recommend Snow Bear brand for the Explorer, that's what we got for the Explorer and you have to assemble it but its tough plow.
