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June 13, 2000
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I figure when i'm putting on my new headers i will upgrade my plugs and wires since the access will be easy. But, at $6 a pop are the bosch +4 really worth it. I mean 2x better than bosch platnum and champion truck. Or 6x better than bosch-super? (autozone prices)

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Hard question to answer, but I belive they are better. I didn't notice a great increase in power, but it does run better and I did get a noticable mpg increase. Installed the K&N a few weeks later and also got a mpg increase as well. Over all I'd say with the install of the K&N, Splitfire Dual Core plug wires and Bosch plugs(+4) I got a ~2mpg increase. It took me from 280/tank to almost 330. Hope this helps.

Any opinion on Ford Racing wire set. $8.95 at Summit racing?

Other opinions?


$8.95? wha?

no matter what upgrade to some better wires..Magnecor or Jacobs are better, but any set (even Bosch) will be better than stock.

Far as plugs...go with the price. $6/ea is great. Some places the Motorcraft plugs are alot more than that.
Alot of ppl on here have had great results with the +4's.
I wouldnt use anything besides double/triple platinum no matter what you go with. dont forget the anti-seize.

Re: eh

Originally posted by Anime4x4
$8.95? wha?

no matter what upgrade to some better wires..Magnecor or Jacobs are better, but any set (even Bosch) will be better than stock.

Far as plugs...go with the price. $6/ea is great. Some places the Motorcraft plugs are alot more than that.
Alot of ppl on here have had great results with the +4's.
I wouldnt use anything besides double/triple platinum no matter what you go with. dont forget the anti-seize.

Do these performance wires that you guys suggest have radio resistance or are they noisy?

The Jacobs wires have been fine. No radio interference.

Hehehe, when I upgrade from the Motorcraft wires I'll have to get 1/2 of an Explorer set, and 1/2 of a Tbird SC set. I love custom installations ;)

BTW, I have half an SC set because of the clearances of the blower.

Why the pain...

Now Alec is teasing us again LOL...with is Supercharger (custom install), whish I could aford this. I'm going continue to druel on the floor.

As for plugs +4 should be good, since it has four electrode it should last longer than standard plug. Current goes to the shortest route, so when one electrode(the one that as the most proximity) is used another one take car of the spark thing.

BTW, all the Ford people I've talked to say not to put the +4s in. I know many members have had good use out of them, but why doesn't Ford like them?

Dont know...

But Ford or any major auto maker will not endorse this kind of aftermarket product because it wont bring in money for replacement parts they sell. Every longer lasting product is less money to there bank account. BTW I dont use those +4, I just use standard plug that I grind the electrode to uncover the center piece, it give more power BUT(yes there is a BUT) I have to verify them more often(about 2 or 3 oil change) to ajust gap because the center piece goes down alot faster. For me it is worth it because I always have somting to do in the Ex, so wy not plug, and they never get stuck.

Do my plug boots need to be 90 degree,45,straight etc. ? And where can i get Jacobs? I can't find them on any sites.

Alright, found the Jacobs at CBS Performance -
8 cyl $64 w/free shipping. How does that compare with what others have bought?

Alright, found the Jacobs at CBS Performance -
8 cyl $64 w/free shipping. How does that compare with what others have bought? Bosch are $55


I have the same rig and 5.0 you have tekman. I put the bosch platniums in and replacement wires from napa. Didn't notice that much. I also heard not to use the +4, but everyone seems to like them. I would like to know how your perfomance is with just the new wires and plugs. It sounds like you will be putting on the headers at the same time. I have been looking for a reasoably priced pair. Will you tell me how the upgrade if only one at a time or all three is! Oh and what type of headers and price. Thanks

You shouldn't have a problem finding headers on a 96 unless you put on the newer heads. They still sell the 96 a few places. The new gt40p head change are what makes the header hard to find. ford motorsports discontinued them, probably due to slow sales. The ones I'm getting are the ceramic coated ones and are $300 w/shipping. My upgrade is due to necessity(cracked exhaust manifold-Ford OE part $335+tax) rather than want, you may have seen in other threads. Its amazing how you can become an expert on a part or installation once you are faced with a problem.

So I decide to gp with the Jacobs wires. I call them direct and they want over $150 plus shipping. Not. So i call CBS Performance and he will do $119. Where's the $64 i see on CBS' site? They tell me I need the "special" boots. Lifetime warrenty or not i don't think I need them that bad right now. Apparently Ford did something right with their ignition, which isn't all that bad to start with I hear. Jacobs just made my mind up for me, I'm going to check out the Bosch wires and see if I need "special" boots from them too. And a "special" price other than the $55 Autozone publishes. If so, we'll then talk to Ford racing.......etc.



what brand of headers are you going with? You stated the ceramic, but from FMS? Do you expect any gains? I have a bad header (stock) on mine as well

Yes, They will be the FMS. And 20 ponies would be nice. :)

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