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Poll: Which brand lights?

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Pro-Comp Explorer 8" 130's , Can you say BRIGHT, I love 'em ........

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Well I like PIAA's. I have 2 set's of 80XT's and a set of 520 fogs, and hopefully soon a set of 1500's for backup lights.

Ray, I used the 1400 piaas for back-up lights cause they have a better spread. Not as directional as the 1500s, little smaller also.
There goes another 2 cents......

Warn Lighting

I like the latest offering from Warn.
the 210s are great but big and the 160 are a little too small but fit the vehicle, (chose Sandy chose)...

These lights have two beam patterns in each light, sort of a high and low beam, but really a long range pencil beam and a wider pattern like the euro lights.

They seem rugged and well built.

I will be trying Warn this time around.


I have two KCs on my Brush Guard, and love them. They put out plenty of light for me!

i like koyoto

i have koyoto xenon plasma green lights. i'm not saying they are the best. i just think they look cool. and they are pretty bright too.

I can't believe no one has mentioned LightForce lights?

These are by far the best non HID lights on the market. PERIOD!
they have adjustable beams between pencil and wide angle

Check out there web page @ http://www.lightforceusa.com

Baja... I think its because no one has experience with lightforce. Leebo threatened me with a lighting competition but then he didn't get them installed on time or whatever. Besides, an adjustable beam might not be the best for what your looking for. Typically if your looking for the best of two worlds, you don't get the combined product. That s why if you want a great clock and a great stereo, you didn't get a combo stereo/alarm clock. I have yet to see the lightforce but I really would like to, I'd like to give them a thourough look over.

By the way, I was able to give the Hella 1000's a thourough lookover while out in Attica as a Hella jeeper was out there and let me inspect. They weren't nearly as bad as I had expected and were a much improved version of their 550's.

Matt and I got your lightforce right here......

Anyone want a set of extremely blue noyka's? I paid 70 for them not too long ago and will part for 40? anyone interested, these are very blue and change all the street signs blue. email me at jewelbagger@aol.com if your interested

i voted hella just because i have some hella 530's and i think they look pretty good, but i would say that piaa makes the best light...or has the best reputation. everyone with piaa's has had very easy installations b/c of the instructions that came along with the lights....my hellas came with one page of instructions separated into three languages, so i got 1/3 of a page of instructions...they didnt help very well at all and thank god that i'm on this board or i'd of never got them installed...PLUS they didnt send me the right switch so i had to go buy a new one...ANYWAYS, i like them now that they're in...lol
but for the money (40-50 bucks i think i paid) i think they're the best i could've done...piaa's are WAY out of my price range...

I gotta go with the Explorer Pro Comp 8". Really, really bright.

I just installed 2 6" Explorer Pro Comps and 2 8" Explorer Pro Comp. I am very satisfied w/ these. I can light up the world now. Very happy w/ them.

I like the old fasion KC's. They have a classic look and put out more than enough light. KC will replace anything - including the bulbs - for 23 years without question. You can't really go wrong with a company that does that.

Another vote for KC. Only because that's what I have on now. Never really tried Hella or PIAA so I wouldn't know the difference. Ya know what? Just scratch my vote off. I don't know what I'm saying. :p

i mean there good for only 25$ i have a set of the 100watt oval 6"

and they are alot brighter than i thougth they would ever be


i just installed four 5"x7" explorer pro comps on my bar, and two 8" explorer pro comps on my prerunner.... needless to say its like the damn sun driving down the road :D so i would cast a vote for pro comp if i could... later

I just put a pair of KC Slimlight long range lights on my light bar and a pair of Daylighter floods on my safari bar.

Just WOW!

I went to aim them this weekend and those pencil beam long range lights really go out there.

I dont think you can go wrong with any of the top three high end ones though. I had Hella's on my old truck and they were fine. KC gets my vote though, if only for that wonderful warranty!


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I'm curious what wattage bulbs these lights come with / what wattage bulbs are available? Explorerkid mentioned that he had 100W bulbs in his.

Do my lights count? I have 250Watt GE sealed beam halogen lamps shoe-horned into the factory fog light position. These are daylight bright, but I really wish they were mounted higher because any dip / bump in the road and things are washed out or in shadow.
