Popping sound in front end. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Popping sound in front end.


New Member
December 10, 2006
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City, State
Liberty TWP, OHIO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT 4x4
I have a 94 Explorer 4X4. I just got it a few weeks ago in a trade with 87k miles on it (hopefully not 187k, but it looks legit on carfax). When I got it the passenger tire was out to the right very slightly when the steering wheel was straight. When I drove it, it pulled to the right of course... but no other problems were detected.

On closer inspection, I found the tierod ends were very worn out, and the little rubber boots were shot. I replaced the tie tod ends and counted the threads to line them up to the original. The tierod on the passenger side was all loose when removed... totally shot, the one on the driver was so so. The alignment then looked fine after replacement.

When I started driving it again, it no longer road walked and drove perfectly straight. But I started hearing a popping noise when hitting a bump or hitting the brakes quickly. I inpected everything I installed, but then noticed the radius arm bushing was loose on the passenger side. The rubber was all busted up, so I replaced the bushing and the radius arm can no longer touch the bracked metal to metal... since there is rubber between them again (so it will not likely pop). Also the popping seems to be from the passenger side.

But sure enough, that was not the problem. The popping was still there. I then checked out the axles and U-Joints on both sides... they are fine. The balljoints do not seem to have any play in them. The brake calipers, shocks and spring equiptment are all securely tighted also. What the heck could be making this noise????

Even though the balljoints don't seem to have play in them, could they be responsible? I also considered the shocks could make that noise, but don't seem like they would when hitting the brakes, just hitting a bump! I have not had a proper alignment yet, but had a mechanic look over everything on the bottom and he has also come up dry.

Anyone have any suggestions?

P.S. I also just notices that the tires seem to be out a little at the top, and in a little at the bottom, but perfectly up and down. Could this be related? Everything is tight.

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I think it is very common for the auto locking hubs to fail, so you may want to check that. If you search, you should find a lot of info including info on replacing them with manual hubs.

IMHO........you sound like a capable guy...........doing a "examination" via the internet, isn't the way to go on this issue.

IMHO........take it to a good alignment shop.........they see hundreds of frt ends a month. Ask them to inspect, ask for thier opinion............and if everything checks out..........to do the alignment while you're there.


Check the radius arm brackets. If they were metal on mrtal at a point then the bracket could be worn out causing play between the arm and the bracket. Mine did this when hitting the brakes when I got mine and I had to replce the brackets.

Thats what it was. I replaced BOTH of the radias arm brackets and bushings. I looked all over for the brackets, but all the local people and ebay people wanted almost $50 a piece for them. I bought them for $11.88 each on the parts america webpage.

