Power locks not locking with switches or remote | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power locks not locking with switches or remote


January 31, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer
Hi I have problem with my 1999 Explore the door locks will not lock with both the front door switches or the remote but they will lock with the rear switch. I can unlock the doors with the remote and all the switches. If I try to lock the doors using the remote the red dash light with slash and key icon in it the light stop flashing and stays lit up and flickers but dose not flash like normal I have located the unlock relays in the back on the car are they the same relays for locking I've check all fuses and tested the switches all are ok. Does any one know what I can do too fix this problem.

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have you checked the splice on the pink wire under the carpet on the drivers side rear? it's common for this splice to corrode and loose contact. if its green and corroded, cut it and solder it.

+1 on this. Check and see if the switch in the back near the liftgate will lock the doors - it connects directly to the lock relay without going thru the splice in question. Lock wires are pink with yellow stripe; unlock is pink with light green stripe. There are actually three relays -one unlocks the drivers door only (one push on remote), one unlocks the other doors and liftgate (two pushes on remote), and the third locks all of the doors. Good luck.

Edit: Just reread OP and notice you said that rear switch locks doors - this confirms that your issue is with the splice koda referred to. Pull up the plate/carpet on floor at rear driver's door that covers the wiring bundle; the corrosion will be pretty obvious. Fix the splice and you should be good to go. Good luck.

have you checked the splice on the pink wire under the carpet on the drivers side rear? it's common for this splice to corrode and loose contact. if its green and corroded, cut it and solder it.

Thank you I'll check out that wire my explorer is right hand drive so I think the wire you mean is on the left hand side would that be correct.

Thank you I'll check out that wire my explorer is right hand drive so I think the wire you mean is on the left hand side would that be correct.

that's a definite possibility.

that's a definite possibility.

Hi thanks again for your help all fixed now I found the pink and yellow striped wire. I couldn't find the spliced join so I bridged a new wire into to it and ran the wire to the rear cargo switch pink and yellow striped wire and that fixed the problem.;)

Hi thanks again for your help all fixed now I found the pink and yellow striped wire. I couldn't find the spliced join so I bridged a new wire into to it and ran the wire to the rear cargo switch pink and yellow striped wire and that fixed the problem.;)

well, as long as you got it working. congrats!

Just found this, went out and fixed mine in about 25 minutes!! Thank You!

I should have taken the opportunity to take pics but I didn't. Sorry. But, to help a bit, I can try to describe the location and procedure in a bit more detail.

The junction between the wires is located just inside the rear passenger door, under the carpet. There is a plastic trim piece that runs from the front end of the drivers door to the back end of the passenger door. It acts as the threshold and covers the edge of the carpet. Carefully pull this up - it's held in place with some metal clips that should give with a little tugging. It is also anchored by some plastic tabs on the column that runs vertical from floor to roof between the front and back seats.

Once this is off and out of the way, there is a bundle of wires that runs in a channel in the floor. it passes in and out of some black plastic raceways that can be opened with a bit of pulling while squeezing. If you have trouble, you may be able to use a screwdriver to get a little leverage (just be careful not to nick any wires. You only need to open the raceway that is just inside the rear passenger door. Once it is open, you can pull the wires up to get a little slack.

The junction you are looking for has 1 wire (pink with yellow stripe) running from the front of the vehicle that is spliced into 3 wires (pink with yellow stripe) that run back under the rear seat. I found this confusing because I assumed just 1 wire would run back to the Lock relay that is in the rear quarter panel. But it is/was the correct bundle. When I started to peel back the black rubber tubing around the joint, the three wires just pulled right out - they were all broken off at the sheathing.

Re-splice these with whatever method you prefer. I used a small butt-splice and then taped it really well. If you have heat-shrink tubing, that would be a good idea too.

Good Luck.


+1 on this. Check and see if the switch in the back near the liftgate will lock the doors - it connects directly to the lock relay without going thru the splice in question. Lock wires are pink with yellow stripe; unlock is pink with light green stripe. There are actually three relays -one unlocks the drivers door only (one push on remote), one unlocks the other doors and liftgate (two pushes on remote), and the third locks all of the doors. Good luck.

Edit: Just reread OP and notice you said that rear switch locks doors - this confirms that your issue is with the splice koda referred to. Pull up the plate/carpet on floor at rear driver's door that covers the wiring bundle; the corrosion will be pretty obvious. Fix the splice and you should be good to go. Good luck.

I had the same problem. It would have taken me forever and a day to have found this problem without being pointed in the right direction!
