Presidential Address of the NEX Nation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Presidential Address of the NEX Nation


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 EB
Sorry guys, but as a President, i do a worse job than Bush, Nixon, and Ford combined. Toss in Clinton too, he was a jackass. I know many of you want to have a well organized club that not only hosts runs, but have many meet and greets aswell. Some of you would like to get together as much as a couple times a month. I simply do not have the time, energy, or money to get a club going like that. Ive been working 60 hour weeks, and lately have found id rather spend my free time under my explorer than here talking about being under it. I would perfer to have a basic setup, of a bunch of people that go wheeling now and then. We would use the website to inform eachother of upcomming events, and show off our trucks. I, however, am in the minority here. So heres the deal, presidential elections are taking place now. I am not running. It is already over organized for me, with rules and membership restrictions, ETC ETC.

Go ahead and get a great club going, i know you guys can do it. Ill be there for the runs, aslong as it doesnt get out of controll. As soon as i start seeing it get to the point that we have to take votes on stuff (like to have runs or not, who to let in or not, blah blah blah) i will fall off the face of the earth, and join NEOR. I simply just dont see a need for an organized government in a club of 20 people, but thats just me.

So start nominating yourselves now. The winner will get my crown of thorns, to wear in my liars chair, to govern my empire of dirt (sorry, im listening to the Johnny Cash cover of "hurt", and i had to throw in a reference. Its more of an empire of loam than simple dirt, and its more like rusty nails than thorns ;) )
Sincerely, Fred

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You better be comeing to the Jamboree! You also have to still stick around and some wheeling. I know that Fred and I have been talking over these past few weeks. In my Mind, There is 2 People I would like to Nominate for President. This is in no order, Issac & Aaron. Both are very smart and have what it takes. I myself, just want to asst as a Vice President stand point. I figure this. The President will be down South in Mass. Where most of you reside. I myself or someone else possible would be Vice President Up in the Northern Area. This will help organize runs and meets. I just say we take it step by step. Thats my imput.

FourXFred said:
Sorry guys, but as a President, i do a worse job than Bush, Nixon, and Ford combined. Toss in Clinton too, he was a jackass. I know many of you want to have a well organized club that not only hosts runs, but have many meet and greets aswell. Some of you would like to get together as much as a couple times a month. I simply do not have the time, energy, or money to get a club going like that. Ive been working 60 hour weeks, and lately have found id rather spend my free time under my explorer than here talking about being under it. I would perfer to have a basic setup, of a bunch of people that go wheeling now and then. We would use the website to inform eachother of upcomming events, and show off our trucks. I, however, am in the minority here. So heres the deal, presidential elections are taking place now. I am not running. It is already over organized for me, with rules and membership restrictions, ETC ETC.

Go ahead and get a great club going, i know you guys can do it. Ill be there for the runs, aslong as it doesnt get out of controll. As soon as i start seeing it get to the point that we have to take votes on stuff (like to have runs or not, who to let in or not, blah blah blah) i will fall off the face of the earth, and join NEOR. I simply just dont see a need for an organized government in a club of 20 people, but thats just me.

So start nominating yourselves now. The winner will get my crown of thorns, to wear in my liars chair, to govern my empire of dirt (sorry, im listening to the Johnny Cash cover of "hurt", and i had to throw in a reference. Its more of an empire of loam than simple dirt, and its more like rusty nails than thorns ;) )
Sincerely, Fred

I would just like to be a part of a group/club of pepole with a common interest in Xs. But I do see a need for some organization i.e. pres., coordinater what ever the title. And one that us poor saps in NY can be a part of.

No offense, but you do realize NY isn't in New England, right? ;) There's always East Coast Explorers, too....

I don't imagine New Hampshire is on the top of your list of places to wheel your rig....

OK, Matt you win. I'll accept...not that it matters to me who takes charge.... Most places I know to wheel though, are around VT. I don't know NH that well as far as wheeling spots, but I have buddies here and on AIM that may be able to help out.

So now we are waiting on Aaron

izackary said:
OK, Matt you win. I'll accept...not that it matters to me who takes charge.... Most places I know to wheel though, are around VT. I don't know NH that well as far as wheeling spots, but I have buddies here and on AIM that may be able to help out.

i know Aaron is very busy at the moment, so give him a few days. let him finish his semester up.

i do see a need in a little supervision...i'm sorry but i want a new england xplorer sticker on my truck and a shirt representing what we're about..i want to have runs kind every now and then and not just like upper new england so we can all get the gist of what it's about. i only really know issac(very cool guy) and i would like to meet the other guys and girls if there are any.

we've gotta find these CT trails that I've heard about thru Mike, Mike, Jon, Gary and others...

this is me....(mike) nominating issac as our president.

Hey everyone!

Matt and Isaac brought this thread to my attention several weeks ago, but I haven't had a chance to think and reply before now. I am honored that you would like me to lead NEX, however, I must decline due to my extreme time commitments with school and work. (Ike can tell you, I'm always on AIM, but rarley at the computer!)

Although I would love to further our club's activities, membership, etc, I cannot take the helm at this point.

I would like to have a club get-together soon, possibly before the Jamboree in VT. It would sure be nice to meet everyone new, and see everyone's truck up close. Maybe even talk about club "things."

On a related note, I would love to see the club take on:
1) Complining a list of availible wheeling areas in New England.
2) Possibly linking up with another 4wd club, as they will surely know of places to wheel.
3) Working on environmental awareness. A great way to gain access to wheeling land is to clean it up.

Alas, to lead the club on those three points requires a time investment I cannot take on at this point. Hopefully one of you can! I can, and would love to help out as a club member.

No problem, Aaron. Only one more year, right? At least you got to enjoy about 5-10 minutes back on earth to compile your post. :)

The jambo IS coming...10 weeks from this Saturday. If anyone has suggestions for a meet or anything between now and then, please feel free to post them. We could try a cape trip, but from what I recall, the minimum tire height is 31". Not everyone has tires at least that size. Soon I might be spending more of my time in VT to scout new places. We can see if anyone can defeat some of the mud pits near Kita's place. Hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to decide whether I'll be moving back up. I also want to find some of these CT wheeling spots. After all, we can't let John's lift kit go to waste...especially if he gets it on someday. ;)

I'll start off the ideas: What do you say to another camping/wheeling trip up in Bridgewater, VT (where Tim, Mike, and I went last October) for the 4th of July weekend? Chances are the logging trails will be open this time, as they were gated off last fall.

Thanks for your reply. I did not see many Nominations. So at this point, I wanna say Issac is our new President if he accepts. If he does good. If not, then its back to Nominations. Like I said before. I want to play a Vice President Role. It is up to the President, if I will take that on. Well Ike what do ya say? You takeing President of the club?

V8BoatBuilder said:
Hey everyone!

Matt and Isaac brought this thread to my attention several weeks ago, but I haven't had a chance to think and reply before now. I am honored that you would like me to lead NEX, however, I must decline due to my extreme time commitments with school and work. (Ike can tell you, I'm always on AIM, but rarley at the computer!)

Although I would love to further our club's activities, membership, etc, I cannot take the helm at this point.

I would like to have a club get-together soon, possibly before the Jamboree in VT. It would sure be nice to meet everyone new, and see everyone's truck up close. Maybe even talk about club "things."

On a related note, I would love to see the club take on:
1) Complining a list of availible wheeling areas in New England.
2) Possibly linking up with another 4wd club, as they will surely know of places to wheel.
3) Working on environmental awareness. A great way to gain access to wheeling land is to clean it up.

Alas, to lead the club on those three points requires a time investment I cannot take on at this point. Hopefully one of you can! I can, and would love to help out as a club member.

If there are no other nominations or objections, and if it'll make Matt shut up about it, I'll accept. :p

Bout time! Now lets get this party started.

izackary said:
If there are no other nominations or objections, and if it'll make Matt shut up about it, I'll accept. :p

You are more then Welcome to jion. Ike as made me his Vice Pres. I try to handle anything up North & He handles down South. FourxFred is hosting our site right now. Maybe we can get you to be the updater guy for the site. Ike any suggestions? Can we make it happen?

JimofWare said:
First off I would like to join... also I dable (sp?) in web design and would like to maybe redo/update the NEX website. I could even host it and all that jazz. let me know

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I'm no webwhiz, so I'll leave it to you guys to figure that out. Update away.
