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Problem Solver

March 15, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Brooklyn,NY - Newfoundland,PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
My 2003 ford explorer sport ( 2 door) is a beautiful suv. But there are 2 things besides not getting keyless entry to work.

The motors that spray my washer fluid onto my windshield and back window are not working. I pluged in a new motor from my other explorer that does work and still was a no go.
I thought it might be fuses, so i looked in my 2001 explorer manual and tested those and they seemed to work find, when i looked for a diagram and manual for the 2003 model i dont see fuses relating to window washer fluid.

Any ideas?

Also my cruise control worked fine up until i tryed to get my window wiper fluid motors to work and restarted the computer by touching battery terminal leads.
When i try cruise control now and press the buttons the dashboard light blinks and does not stay on and neither does the speed controll.

Any Ideas?

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Yes, check all your fuses first. If I remember correctly, the relays for the window washers are located in a separate distribution box which is located under the air cleaner box.

Check inside the wire boot in the driver door jamb to see if there are any broken wires. That was my issue why my keypad would not work. All I had to do was splice the wire back together and it works again! Let me know if you want me to email you diagrams, as another member sent me a few when I was working on it.

On another note, I moved your thread to the 2nd gen forum where you'll probably get more answers regarding the washer fluid issues.

Check inside the wire boot in the driver door jamb to see if there are any broken wires. That was my issue why my keypad would not work. All I had to do was splice the wire back together and it works again! Let me know if you want me to email you diagrams, as another member sent me a few when I was working on it.

On another note, I moved your thread to the 2nd gen forum where you'll probably get more answers regarding the washer fluid issues.
Can you please email me the diagrams I am having similar issues.


What similar issues? Your washer motor and your cruise control stopped working?
What year is your explorer?

What similar issues? Your washer motor and your cruise control stopped working?
What year is your explorer?
My windshield wipers will not work as well as both my windows not rolling down.
I have a 2003 Ford Explorer Sport XLS.

My windshield wipers will not work as well as both my windows not rolling down.
I have a 2003 Ford Explorer Sport XLS.
Check your fuses, look at fuse box cover for location of fuse. Use a test plight or pull the fuse for each item too see if its good.
