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Winshield washer problems

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September 14, 2008
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1996 explorer
I am having problems with the front sprayers on my 02 explorer sport. What is going on is that the wipers will run but no fluid is coming. The lines are not blocked and I don't hear the motor humming when i hit the switch. The rear washer works just fine and so does the front wipers so i don't believe it is the washer pump itself or the actual switch inside the vehicle. I have checked fuse 12 since i believe it is the only fuse controling the sprayers but it is good. Any help would be appreciated ecspecially since I don't have an onwners manuel (I have been working off of the material on the motorcraft website) and winter is coming. Thanks in advance.

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There are two relays down along the passenger's side framerail in the engine compartment that control the wipers/washers. If one of them goes bad, you will have what you're describing. Had it happen to my '01 XLS. The relay got dirty and I lost my rear washers.

If it were one of these relays which ones should I be looking at? I took a look in the comparment and there are 5 or 6 of them. Unfortunatley I do not have a guide to look of off. Are there any other fuses that control the front sprayers but do not affect the rear? Is there a pump for the front and a seperate one for the rear? Any other suggestions are also welcome. Yet again thanks for any and all info and thanks for welcoming me to the site.

I am having the same problem on my '99 mountaineer - the front washer pump is not working. I replaced the pump and the multi-function switch so far but still haven't found the problem. The thread mentioned above includes a diagram for the relay box that matches the one on the DRIVER'S side on my truck. The washer relay in this box is good. I did find another smaller box on the passenger side frame rail with some relays in it, but they are not labeled. Are there more washer relays in this box?

Thanks in advance for your help

Start by checking to see if you are getting current to the pump.

I will check for current to the pump and report back.


I am having the same problem on my '99 mountaineer - the front washer pump is not working. I replaced the pump and the multi-function switch so far but still haven't found the problem. The thread mentioned above includes a diagram for the relay box that matches the one on the DRIVER'S side on my truck. The washer relay in this box is good. I did find another smaller box on the passenger side frame rail with some relays in it, but they are not labeled. Are there more washer relays in this box?

Thanks in advance for your help

Yes, there are two relays down inside the passenger's side of the framerail that control the washers/wipers. Those are the ones that went bad in my truck.

The problem is solved - it was corrosion on the relay located in the box on the frame rail on the passenger side. I sprayed it and the box circuit with electronic cleaner, put dielectric grease on it and good to go.

Thanks to everyone for their help.
