Proud to be and American thread! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Proud to be and American thread!

Positive Vibes

Elite Explorer
June 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Cruz, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT

There are a few things that those who have
recently come to our country, and apparently some native Americans, need to understand.

First of all, it is not our responsibility to continually
try not to offend you in any way. This idea of America being
a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity.

As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society,
our own language, and our own lifestyle. This culture,
called the "American Way " has been developed over
centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions
of men and women who have sought freedom.

Our forefathers fought, bled, and died at places such as Bunker Hill , San Juan , Iwo Jima , Normandy , Korea , Vietnam ...

We speak English , not
Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or
any other language.

Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society --
learn our language!"

"In God We Trust " is our national motto.
This is not some off-the-wall, Christian, Right Wing, political slogan -- it is our national motto. It is engraved in stone in the House of Representatives in our Capitol and it is printed on
our currency. We adopted this motto because Christian men
and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation
and this is clearly documented throughout our history.

If it is appropriate for our motto to be inscribed in the halls
of our highest level of Government, then it is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools.

God is in our pledge, our National Anthem, nearly every
patriotic song, and in our founding documents. We honor
His birth, death, and resurrection as holidays, and we turn to Him in prayer in times of crisis. If God offends you, then I
suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture and we are proud
to have Him .

We are proud of our heritage and those who have so
honorably defended our freedoms. We celebrate
Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day,
and Flag Day. We have parades, picnics, and
barbecues where we proudly wave our flag.

As an American, I have the right to wave my flag, sing my
national anthem, quote my national motto, and cite my pledge whenever and wherever I choose.

If the Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like
Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider
a move to another part of this planet.

The American culture is our way of life,
our heritage,
and we are proud of it.

We are happy with our culture and have no desire
to change, and we really don't care how you did things
where you came from. Like it or not, this is our country,
our land, and our lifestyle.

Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express
his opinion about our government, culture, or society,
and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But once
you are done complaining, whining, and griping about
our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life,
I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom:


Another thing: To those who do complain about the usage of words like 'God' and 'American' and speaking the language of our great nation, TRY GOING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY AND SPEAK AGAINST WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE. YOU WILL MORE

In America , you take your right to complain for granted.

The more patriotism that is removed from where our children
are taught, the less our children will learn about what it is
to be an American and our nation's spirit will slowly be killed.

Keep patriotism alive.

If you agree, pass this onto other Americans!

It is time to take a stand!
God Bless America and our Military and Veterans!

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>Subject: Fwd: France/USA
> "My favorite bumper sticker in Washington right now is the one that says
'First Iraq, then France'"
> Tom Brokaw
> _____________
> "The French announced today that they would not help us remove Saddam
from Iraq Well Duh! They didn't even help us remove Hitler from France"
> Jay Leno
> _____________
> "France said this week they need more evidence to convince them Saddam is
a threat Yeah, last time France asked for more evidence it came rollin
through Paris with a German flag on it"
> Dave Letterman
> _____________
> Why are all the highways in France lined with trees? So the Germans can
march in the shade!!!
> _____________
> France has neither winter, nor summer, nor morals France is miserable
because it is filled with Frenchmen, and Frenchmen are miserable because
they live in France
> Mark Twain
> _____________
> Only thing worse than a Frenchman is a Frenchman who lives in Canada
> Ted Nugent
> _____________
> The only way the French are going in with us is if we tell them we found
truffles in Iraq
> _____________
> War without France would be like ... World War II
> _____________
> Q: What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up?
> A: Their Army
> _____________
> How do you stop a French tank?
> Shoot the guy pushing
> _____________
> Q: How many frenchman does it take to defend Paris
> A: We don't know, it's never been tried
> _____________
> The best French-bashing line heard over the last week is: "We can count
> on the French to be there when they need us"

A large group of Iraqi soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune.

"One United States Marine is better than ten Iraqi's!!"

The Iraqi commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune, where upon a gun battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence.

The voice then calls out "One United States Marine is better than one hundred Iraqi's!!"

Furious, the Iraqi commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune and instantly a huge firefight commences. After 10 minutes of battle,
again silence.

The American voice calls out again "One United States Marine is better than one thousand Iraqi's!!"

The enraged Iraqi Commander musters one thousand fighters and sends them across the dune. Cannons, rockets and machine guns ring out as a huge battle is fought. Then silence.

Eventually one wounded Iraqi fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells his commander, "Don't send any more men. It's a trap. There's two of them!"

Subject: Why Can't We All Get Along?
> Two Arabs boarded a flight out of London. One
> took a window seat and the other sat next to him
> in the middle seat.
> Just before takeoff, an American sat down in
> the aisle seat.After takeoff, the American kicked
> his shoes off, wiggled his toes and was settling
> in when the Arab in the window seat said, "I need
> to get up and get a beer."
> "Don't get up," said the American, "I'm in the
> aisle seat. I'll get it for you." As soon as he
> left, one of the Arabs picked up the American's
> shoe and spat in it.
> When the American returned with the beer, the other
> Arab
> said, "That looks good, I'd really like one,
> too." Again, the American obligingly went to
> fetch it. While he was gone the other Arab picked
> up his other shoe and spat in it.
> When the American returned, they all sat back
> and enjoyed the flight.
> As the plane was landing, the American slipped
> his feet into his shoes...and he immediately knew
> what
> had happened.
> "Why does it have to be this way?" he asked. "How
> long must this go on? This fighting between our
> nations? This hatred? This animosity? This
> spitting in shoes and pissing in beers?
