Puddle lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Puddle lights

Hey guys, I know I've posted this question before, but I'm hoping to attract more comments, AND I referred to the puddle lights as just "side view mirror" lights before, so hopefully, now that I have the correct terminology, I can elicit a greater response. ANYWAYS, I was wondering if anyone out there knows how I can get to the bulbs, AKA the puddle lights under my side view mirrors. I want to change the colors, but I'm scared to just pop the under-glass, and risk breaking it. I've already made some severe scratches to it attempting this. HELP!!!

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I have a 2000 Mountaineer and there are 2 screws holding in the lens. I have to remove the lens and the bulbs are right there....


I replaced my puddle light bulbs with red, and also all dome light bulbs. It gives a good red glow when I unlock it using the keyless entry at night. I think I used #194 bulbs. There are two torx screws that you have to take out then pull the rubber bulb holder out of the housing and switch bulbs.

Hey guys, I really appreciate your replies, but could you be more specific? I have a 2003 Explorer, and I dont see any visible screws that i can unscrew. Ive tried moving the side mirrors around and looking through the crevices, but I dont see any possible way of cracking in there. anyone? THANKS!

I don't know what the mirror assembly looks like on the 2003, but if there were screws, they would be visible from the bottom side of the mirror.

Why not just call the dealer and ask?

You know whats funny, I WENT to the dealer, sat there with about 3 mechanics, and they were all discussing amongst themselves about hwo they never had to repalce the puddle lights, so they dont know HOW. I was thinking to myself, "So you guys learn as you go or something?" Shouldnt they know this stuff? So yes, I have been there, but to no avail....go figure....

I have a 02 Explorer and the puddle light on one side went out. It appears to be the same as the )3, no visible screws, etc. Did you ever figure out how to take the lens off to replace the bulb? If so can you please post how you got the lens off and what was the bulb replacement? Thanks.

underneath the mirror there should be a clear plastic part with two screws, remove the screws, remove the cover, remove the bulb.


i put white led's in my puddle lights on my 02, it was not fun, the only way i could figure it out was to take the whole door panel offf, unbolt the mirror from the door, then take off on metal clip that holds the wires together and then you can get the bulb out from there, lots of work for such a small item but it really makes a diff, white led's in my puddle lights and my dome light really made a huge difference...

I used a thin pocket knife and pryed the lens out on my '03. It did leave me with a small indentation in the mirror plastic. I also used a larger bulb than the stock tiny bulb. The base of the bulbs were the same but the head of the bulb was much larger and seemed to put out more light than the stockers. I'll have to check bulb number when I get home from work.


TsaktuO said:

This was posted on another forum board. It is a guide on a LED swap for the puddle lights, but it shows pics of the lens removal.

that is flippin awesome, that puts out so much more light than the 5 bulb hyper white led's that i put in mine........also now that i kno you can just pop out the bottom of the lense it'll be easier to make the new led board as in the pics......where would you find all that stuff tho???

You know whats funny, I WENT to the dealer, sat there with about 3 mechanics, and they were all discussing amongst themselves about hwo they never had to repalce the puddle lights, so they dont know HOW.

That was your problem, the mechanics only fix mechanical stuff. The puddle lights are body related. so should have taken it to the body shop.


what is the stock bulb number for the puddle lights for an 04? I would like to replace mine as well. Thanks!

i just took my lenses off and panted them red

This may be elsewhere on the board but this is from Sylvania's website:

2001 FORD Explorer Sport

High & low beam headlamp
9007SU Silverstar ULTRA for Ultra Night Vision - The Whitest and Brightest Halogen
9007ST Silverstar High Performance Lighting: The Whiter and Brighter Halogen
9007XV XtraVision Halogen Upgrade: Up to 20% Brighter
9007CB Cool Blue Halogen Upgrade: White Hot; Super Cool; 100% Street Legal

Parking light
3157AST Silverstar Signal Lighting: Complete the Look: Crisp, Clean, Style

Front turn signal
3157AST Silverstar Signal Lighting: Complete the Look: Crisp, Clean, Style

Rear turn signal

Tail light

Stop light

High mount stop light

Fog/Driving light
9145ST Silverstar High Performance Lighting: The Whiter and Brighter Halogen

License plate
194LL Long Life Upgrade: Up to twice the life of the standard lamp

Back up light

Front sidemarker
3157AST Silverstar Signal Lighting: Complete the Look: Crisp, Clean, Style

Ash tray

Glove box
194LL Long Life Upgrade: Up to twice the life of the standard lamp

Map light

Dome light

Step/Courtesy light

Trunk/Cargo area

Do a search for LED's and you will see pics of mine, I like them alot.

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here you go

Here is one pic, I can take a better one later when it gets dark


  • explorer LEDS 007.jpg
    explorer LEDS 007.jpg
    84.7 KB · Views: 13,887
