Pulling Codes Without a Check Engine Light? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pulling Codes Without a Check Engine Light?


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November 4, 2014
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1995 Explorer 4.0 OHV 4WD
Apologies in advance for a dummy question, but I've Googled and can't find the answer.

I've got a 1995 Explorer that intermittently won't start (cranks but doesn't catch).

I wondered if I bought a code reader would it tell me anything? Or does the check engine light have to be on for them to help?

Thank in advance!

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If you are not getting a check engine light, the code reader will not likely help. If you want to read the codes and not buy a code reader you may want to consider buying an ELM327 adapter and download the FORSCAN software. This would be cheaper than buying a code reader. The FORSCAN software will read all the codes in your car and will give you live diagnostic information about your car's performance.

Is the '95 ODB1 or ODB2? I was thinking ODB1, not 2.

The ODB1 system is notoriously reticent in offering trouble codes but there are "ways to make it talk".

Either get a Ford specific ODB1 code reader or you can add jumpers to the ODB1 port and generate flash codes. Diagrams are commonly available on the internet for jumping the port to generate the codes.

If ODB2, then yes, a quality ELM327 and Forscan is a great way to go.

This should work on 1st Gen 91-94 Explorers and also 95 2nd Gen.
The 95 got a face lift but uses the same 1st Gen brain.


Post #6
I was going to do a writeup on my '95 for this, and my lazy tail never got around to it. Yes- this does work with a Gen II '95 Ex. ('95 only)

As an addidtion, I have the wire, and crimped 2 small spade connectoras to each end, and they slide perfectly into the connectors. I keep it in the glove box. Yes, I could keep a paperclip, but I like the wire.

Is the '95 ODB1 or ODB2? I was thinking ODB1, not 2.

The ODB1 system is notoriously reticent in offering trouble codes but there are "ways to make it talk".

Either get a Ford specific ODB1 code reader or you can add jumpers to the ODB1 port and generate flash codes. Diagrams are commonly available on the internet for jumping the port to generate the codes.

If ODB2, then yes, a quality ELM327 and Forscan is a great way to go.

I'm not sure this will help the OP problem if no check engine light appears.

My 95 XLT has the ODB1 system. I bought a Ford Specific OBD1 reader for it on Amazon for 25.00 last year. I have used it several times and it has saved me money.
I tried to get the free code Diagnostics from two Advanced Auto Parts stores but neither had an ODB1 reader, only ODB2.

The reader comes with a booklet that includes what the scanner codes mean.
If interested you can ger one here:

I was able to get the codes via swshawaii's link, thank you.

It's a 543, which makes sense, seemed like a fuel prob to me. So now to go down that rabbit hole...
