pulling steering wheel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pulling steering wheel


July 18, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Wilmington, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Eddie Bauer Explorer
How hard is it to pull and put back on a steering wheel from a 93 Eddie Bauer explorer? I need to get to the ignition switch.

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They are pretty easy, just mark the position on the shaft and wheel so u can put it back the same spot. A puller may be required but maybe not. After you remove the bolt holding the wheel on the shaft you may be able to bump and pull the wheel off without a puller. i forget if the 93 has airbag or not, if yes you need to disable it first. no need to break your face over it.all the parts have to come off in a certain order and you need torx bits and 1/4 ratchet, extension, deep-well and shallow-well sockets, a magnet tool, a pick, needlenose pliers, phillips and flathead screwdriver. Columns are aggravating, take your time, be very careful and take your time.
If that is a tilt column it gets more complicated, there are 2 pins with threads inside them- One on each side of the column that you need a quality puller for. be careful, if you break the puller threads off in the pin you have to drill into the housing beside the pin so you can get a chisel in there.

OK that answered my question. Thank you. There are no airbags but I think I am just going to have someone else do it that really knows what they are doing. My luck is not the best when it comes to this stuff.

Perhaps you can remove the column covers without pulling the steering wheel? I did so today on my '91 to get to the turn signal switch. Requires a bit of force/laying down the law on the covers, and tilting the wheel up for the bottom cover (do this one first) and down for the top cover.

Removal is easy if you have a puller. If you don't you may not get the wheel off. I couldn't. I did this 4 times in the past. No airbag or anything of concern. Remove horn pad & remove the center bolt. No need to mark it cause it's keyed to only go on 1 way.
If you need the lock cylinder....I have heard you can access the pin hole if you tilt the steering column all the way up or down(don't remember) but I never had any luck with this so the wheel came off.

I already tried with just the column covers off. I need to take off the wheel. Thanks for all the replies. I will get a puller.

i did mine without pulling the wheel. It was difficult, but in my opinion it beats pulling the steering wheel. on a 92 xlt

Gypsy - Have a little confidence. I've pulled mine off with and without a puller about 5 times for various little fixes. It's really as easy as they say. Just mark prior to pulling and you're all over it. I have the 91 Ex, same as yours, and it's a breeze.

Removing the wheel is a 2 minute job, no special tools or puller!

Remove the column shroud, two screws. Then remove the horn pad, two screws. Disconnect the horn/cruise electrical connector. Remove the steering wheel bolt. Then, with steering blocked or ignition locked, firmly turn the wheel left and right while pulling it towards you. It will pop right off. Works for most Ford steering wheels. Never needed a puller.

It will pop right off.
I'm very happy it did it for you. Every time I needed a puller.:p:
