QUICK; are carbon fiber brake pads worth it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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QUICK; are carbon fiber brake pads worth it?


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
changing my brakes today and i have 2 choices

carbon fiber ones from autozone = 30

or autozones lifetiem replacement pads = 20

are carbon fiber pads actaully alot better than regualr ones?

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I don't know if this was quick enough for you, but i've got the $20 ones from the zone and they suck. They always squeek. My friend got the carbon fiber ones and he really likes them. Once again mine always squeek when i apply to the brakes...

Hope that helps..

They are carbon metallic, not carbon fiber LOL. I have them on my truck, they have always done the job for me.

I always use the Performance Friction pads when I can (those are the carbon-metallics sold at AutoZone). I started getting those when they were the lifetime warranty pads back in 1999.... I've gone through about 4 or five sets of those... I am hard on my brakes though. These pads have never failed on me, even under heavy stop and go...

My .02


You know it's funny i just replaced my cheapo $20 (or whatever) pads from autozone with the carbon metallic.

Have not changed them yet (too cold).

But i'm looking forward to real stopping power...

For details about Performance Friction's carbon metallic pad material, go to:


makes me wonder if I have 83, 90 or 93 compound. Check on your box when you get them, or see if it's stamped on the pad when you get them.

Keep in mind that the harder the compound on the pads the faster they will deterioriate your rotors...
