time for new brakes i think | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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time for new brakes i think


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
well i have had my 92 for 2 years now, and it still has the brake pads on it from when i bought it....today when i was driving and i had to brake fairly quick i heard a light grinding sound from the drivers side. it did this a few times when i had to brake heavy. I figure its probably time for some new pads.
I am not very mechanically inclinded so how hard is chaning the pads on a 92 4x4?
how much do brake pads run anyways?
are carbon fiber pads worth the added expense?
any suggestions on good brands?

i'd like to do the work myself so i know how to next time, maybe i could get my dad to help me. If not i'll just buy the pads just take it to a local shop that has always done me good.


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do it your self... its easy..

even if i lack mechanical knowledge?

Yes... its not hard at all... i have done them on my truck 2 times.. np at all now if you need to do the drums... thats another story.. but the disc's are cake

Mikke, have you done rotors? I need to replace my front rotors because one is vibrating and both are warped. I figure the big nut will be semi-easy to get off with an impact wrench...

Hartman, you seem confused with the 91-94 braking system. You had to remove the spindle nut to get to the rotor but on the 95+ all have you to do is remove the wheel and the caliper, the rotor slides right over the hub.

So the only thing holding the rotor on is the caliper?

Yep, it's that easy :)

WOW, ok thanks. :rolleyes:
