Quick Help needed w/ rear drum brakes!!!?!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Quick Help needed w/ rear drum brakes!!!?!!


Well-Known Member
August 11, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Indy, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Sport

I replaced the shoes on both rear sides and I can not get the left one (driver side) to freaking work!!! The drum wants to go on crooked because of the way the shoes are ****ed.. so it seems.. Looks really like the parking brake cable is pulling too much tension on the lever, causing the primary shoe to be extracted a bit... If i try and tug to loosen up the park brake cable it seems better. not to mention if I put the parking brake on,, now the left side is so tight that the right wont even engage!

I dont get it?! I have taken the whole thing off and back on again 3 times now... same thing... even swaped shoes front to back on the backplate! NOTHING.. still same ****..

I don't see any way to loosed the parking brake cable for the left side.... Im bout to cut that side off! ha

Any suggestions?

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Oh and yes the auto adjuster is turned alllll the way back in as small as it will go... But I can see w/ my eye that the parking brake lever is pulled out a bit as compared to the other side...

Plus more... I just now noticed that the damn parking brake cable rubs the wheel! hmmmm is this supposed to be this close?? There are 31/10.5/15's on here...

After reading more I bet I am having the same problem others have experienced. The driver side park brake is not releasing all the way. I didn't realize this til I read it. What a crappy thing! haha.. well,, not sure how im gonna fix this but I'll go back out and play with it. Im bout to install a adjusting link on the whole P.brake cable under the driver door... :p

dsfii93sport said:
After reading more I bet I am having the same problem others have experienced. The driver side park brake is not releasing all the way. I didn't realize this til I read it. What a crappy thing! haha.. well,, not sure how im gonna fix this but I'll go back out and play with it. Im bout to install a adjusting link on the whole P.brake cable under the driver door... :p

I know it's not much help, but I got so fed up with my rear brakes not working right, I switched in a 01' rear end with disc's and called it done.
my rear drums must have never worked right, because after replacing the rear end, my truck STOPS like it's never stopped before. And my rapid front pad wear has also dissapeared.

Turns out what I did was a bit different. I knew I needed more play in the driver side cable. My first thought was to just unhook the damn thing.. BUT.. I knew of the importance of it.

MY SOLUTIONS: I took out that bar/lever in the middle that has a spring on the end of it. The lever that the parking brake arm pushes over to expand the primary shoe. Well I took the bar to meet mr. dremel and ground out about 1/8" from the slot on the end that meets the parking brake arm. This was essentially just like extending the cable a small bit. WORKED PERFECT. Then I just set the lower auto tension to the right tightness and bingo... Cool... Fixed... On to the next problem :)

those parking brake cables are a PITA. People dont use them a whole lot and they rust up. Once you replace it, plan on making it a yearly thing.
