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Raced a Cougar....

our trucks are geared better. stock mustangts have 2.73 gears, we have 3.27 gears

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Well with my x-plodr I have raced a v-6 camaro and firebird and I have beat both, and we both had a passenger. Up to 75 mph the camaro stayed with his front end at my driver door. Now you may say that cause the camaro has a smaller v-6 is a disadvantage but I say I have more weight and that is a sports car for petes sake....

you da man jason!
P.s. thats my name too.


i looked all over and cant find the owners manual, so i dont know what i have in my X. i wish i new.

this is probably a stupid question, but what is powerjacking?
do you mean reving the engine and letting off the clutch?
i dont even have to do that.
i can roll along in fist gear and just nail the gas while moving and still get them to smoke. my friends that work at wal-mart didn't believe an X could do that, so i showed them in the parking lot.
it left smoke and rubber across the back lot.
but like i said, i don't do it often ($$ for tires). only when people say that i cant (then i bet them, and get a few bucks out of it) :)

Well power jacking is usually refered to on automatics. Holding the brakes and then mashing the gas at the same time... the front tires will hold and the back start to spin.... 5 - speeds seem to have a easier time spinning due to low gear ratios from the tranny.... Look on your door seal plate to find axle ratio there should be a spot that says "axle" then a letter usually under it... if yours is a 92 i could tell you your rear ratio. Happy spinning....

racinjason68, i looked and it's not a letter. under axle it says "41"
on the sticker it also says "rear GAWR 3000lb" and "front GAWR 2540lb". don't know what that means, but maybe it can tell you what axle or gear ratio is in it.


I would say that these codes are good for 91-94. But not positive.
axle code 41-3.27c 43-3.08c 45-3.55c D4-3.73TL
Ok the c after them means Conventional or open rear gears
Most times you will see manual trannys w/ code 41 or 43 they use the higher gears cause you have 5 speeds to choose from. In a auto you have 4 gears so they normally have the axle code 45 or like mine D4. The TL after the 3.73 stands for traction-lok as ford calls it or a limited slip.
