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Raced a Tundra


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
southern california
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport
My best friend recently bought a 2001 tundra 2wd V8. I have never seen anybody so proud of their truck. And I don't blame him it's really a nice truck, not the one I would have chosen but nice just the same. Well not to long after his purchase (maybe 2 weeks) the trash talking started about how his truck had a V8 and 240 HP and how American cars/trucks suck. This went on for a few days until I had enough. We were at a friends house and told him if his truck is so fast and powerful lets see if it can beat my American V6. He was more than willing to try and show me up. I was actually kind of pumped up to see what my explorer could do. About 15 min later we are at a back road with a few friends lining the 2 trucks up. We had a friend countdown 3-2-1-GO!! We started off almost even I had him by maybe 2-3 ft. Until I hit about 40 mph and then I started to pull away. At about 65-70mph and 2 car lengths he gave up and let off the throttle. We raced 2 more times because he wanted to try different throttle postions instead of just flooring it, like I think he did the first time. He lost both of those races by even more.

2000 Explorer Sport .
SOHC V6 210hp 2wd
JET performance chip
SS Cold air intake w/K&N
Vortex Cat-back
Est. weight 3750 lbs. w/o driver


2001 Tundra SR5
DOHC V8 245 HP 2wd
Est. weight 4200 w/o driver

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What does he think of American cars and trucks now?

yeah, there's a lot of people like that around here.
they say, "i wouldn't be caught dead in an amarican car".
or "those explorers are crap, they always roll over".
oh yeah and "why would anyone want an suv with only a V-6"

Hey Maxo,

Just wondering what type of intake that is on your Ex. Prices and where to get would be cool.


The intake was actually custom made by a shop here in southern california (Advanced Motoring Concepts). There is a company named Full Throttle that makes stainless steel cold air intakes well this shop took a kit and spare parts from another kit and custom made mine it was probably was about $160 for the custom install and K&N filter. They gave me a pretty fair deal becuase they have done most of my mods and I refer alot of people to them. I will have to take some pics of the intake and post them. And if you would like i will look into seeing if maybe they can copy mine and ship them out to anyone who is interested. I will of course get a exact price instead of trying to remember how much mine was.

hey i got a stock air intake w/k&N, would that metal thing cool the air down and give me more HP? Also how could i get one? how much would i cost? thanx

what kind of k&n?

Hey Maxo
What year K&N filter did they use? I almost spazzed when I saw you had an intake on your 2k X sport. Out in NY I have a hell of a time finding anything for my truck other than explorer express..

2000 X Sport
Mostly Stock...

In response to the first question yes the stainless steel intake has less retriction the stock intake and keeps the air cooler, so yes there is more hp. but for hot summer days I would recommend cool tape to keep the intake cool.

In response the what year K&N i used, I'm really not sure I just remember that it didn't fit and we used an adapter to make it fit. there are not a lot of parts out there for the V6 SOHC so alot of the items I used had to be modified or made.

Nice kill

Nice kill man, to add to a list of kills, . . . i raced a 2001 Dodge Dakota Sport, with the 4.7 v8. Needless to say, I beat the crap out of it , with a person in my car. No one understands how truly fast the Explorer Sports are, the SOHC has an amazing top end after an air filter and exhaust !


Hey Maxo, You need to tell your friend that he has an American build piece of crap too. His truck is build in the Us.(Most Likely)
