Raceway Park, NJ: Sept 27 show/swap meet | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Raceway Park, NJ: Sept 27 show/swap meet

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
....The wife was very understanding this time around but I don't know about PA....

Aaaahhhh, bring her along :D. My wife and daughter come with me. Besides, you can get to see what a "Real" offroad truck can do!!!

now, the rest of you, don't get your skivvies in a bind. I'm juuuusssstttt kidding :p

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Sorry you didnt have a good time Ray. I tried to get back as early as possible on Saturday but it was too late by then. I had to follow my parents up to their house in PA to drop off their new tractor. Maybe next time.....hopefully :rolleyes:

X-Factor, you're less than 1.5 hours from me and I'm about 2.5 hours from where we meet in PA. You should be about the same. Dasfrem used to come from LI all the time. I have to admit, I like going to Paragon. Just something about riding with the offroaders and hearing things break and knowing it's not your truck. :D

Originally posted by X24
..... Just something about riding with the offroaders and hearing things break and knowing it's not your truck. :D

Talk about morbid curiosity!!!!!!!

Talkin bout hearin stuff break... you guys missed some interesting off-roading today!

I cringed everytime i heard my diffy or leaf springs or crossmembers hit a rock (going like 1-2mph of course). No final damage. Actually only damage today occured when doug, in his infinite wisdom and testosterone fueled rage tried to run over a ditched car and sliced the sidewall of his tire.

yea he'll tell ya about that as soon as he gets on here. :D

*Doug, when you read this- you gonna be able to get those pics on here?

*Lefy, that cam digi by any chance? i wanna hear what my crossmembers sounded like outside the truck!

Rage? what? huh? Stupid toyota. As far as those pictures i had some more "testosterone fueled rage" and i broke my camera. I'll upload the pics tomorrow, i'm really tired right now.

eh ok not rage... had to make it sound cooler though. lol testorone rage sounds better than idiocy ;)

and i agree... damn imports!

yea im beat as hell too. im sitting here half dazed waiting to fall asleep.

Actually only damage today occured when doug, in his infinite wisdom and testosterone fueled rage tried to run over a ditched car and sliced the sidewall of his tire

ROTFL........This might've had something do to with me calling you and asking what you broke this morning (before you guys even went wheeling)?? SORRY Fug!!!

Details, dammit! Details! Man....this is the first run I've ever missed, you guys know that? (not including that first run to Mahwah Y'all did together) :(

but I will back up Spas' promise that we really do have fun when unexpected crap doesnt come up.

The man's got a point! Next run up in that area is the October 19th at Raceway Park...the day before we'll be at Raush Creek doin' some wheelin'!! I just hope I don't have to steal my Mom's Saturn at that point :rolleyes:

good fun was had by all at the show and wheeling.
saw some sweet trucks.
and wheeling, was interersting but i'll need to get my rear swaybar out or atleast get disconects.

oh yeh the video i haven't even checked it out yet. what is the type of conection i need to put the video. on the computer through the usb drive.???
i gotta pick one up and i'll have em online soon enough.

can't wait for another run.
i'm getting a hilift too.
the tire deflator tool doug.
and some skid plates. definatly some skid plates.
and disconects.
that should do me good.

had a good time alos this weekend, after riding around in doug's truck again I have the damm bug back full force, should be ordring shackles, body lift, and rims soon. and spaz and mike thought I would come to there side, oh well time to ride with the big dawgs again


what was the name of the conection wire for camera to usb port????\

thanks dude

lefy what you need is a video capture piece, you can get one that works through the usb port or one that you have to install inside the comp. you can go to bestbuy, compusa, or circitcity and they should have one, just make sure it has the same type of connections that you have on your cam

yea im losin my rear sway bar too. i wanna find a place i can go through inspection first cause we need it on for that.. so if we put our shocks like doug its gonna be a pita for inspection..

**do you have to wait the full two years for inspection? Like im not due till next august, but if i can get it done and over with now and not worry bout it for two years...

Justin, do we gotta do tilt every 2 years too or are there different rules?

I think you can go early for inspection and it is every 2 years from the time the truck is inspected, if you mount your shocks like doug that will pass I just recomend that you leave the sway bar connected to keep the truck from having too much body roll for inspection only, my 94 passed with a 4 inch suppension lift and 3 inch body and no sway bars front or back,
as soon as I find the number for you I will send it do you

thanks man. whenever you get a chance.

i might have a place i can go to get it done w/o tilt though... and i can leave my fogs on :D

when we wheelin again?

You can't go for inspection before your 2 years is up unless you rip your sticker off. As far as tilt is concerned I'm not really sure when you can go for that. I wasn't going to worry about it till my inspection was up. I wish i could go wheeling soon.. But I just can't afford it right now. I've got to much stuffing going on at the moment.

Does anyone have any pics from this weekend?

I know doug has a few but he hasnt put em on here yet.

And lefy took some good video but i dont know what his status is of acquiring the needed adapters to hook his cam into his computer is.

Here you go pics..

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