Rancho Shock Question.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rancho Shock Question..


Explorer Addict
July 30, 2005
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'96 XL
Well tax time is here and its time to replace the oem 140,000 mile shocks. im looking at both the rancho rsx and the 9000x. what the difference besides the manual adjust for the 9000x?? i do some mild offroading so i am looking for a shock that does well offroad as well as on the street. any suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated. Also i am looking to do a tt/shackles lift so would these shocks work with that?

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I have the RSX model on my '98 Sport. I find the ride to be somewhat rough on pavement but it helps keep the body from leaning in highway turns like the stock shocks do.

I have tried several different shocks on my '99, and found the Rancho 9000x without a doubt the pick of the litter.

Good luck in your selection process.

I've got the Rancho RSXs on my Sport. When they were new they were awesome, but they've seen better days (it's our roads' fault, not the shocks)

I've got a set of Monroe Sensatracs for sale.... $75 plus shipping for for all four. They were replaced under warranty but never installed and include all the hardware. I upgraded to the Ranchos when I took these off, but the old ones (85,000 miles and 5 years) were still under warranty, so I got 'em for free.

Let me know if you're interested.

I understand the RSX are just re-badged Monroe Reflex (remember, they're all manufactured by Tenneco). I had the Reflex on my '00 Sport and they were pretty good but a bit harsh at times. I've got Bilsteins on my '99 Eddie Bauer. Much better. Firm, but not harsh. I looked at the 9000s myself, but didn't feel the need for adjustability. Bilsteins cost about the same as RSX as I understand, but are cheaper than the 9000s. Consider that option as well. Bilstein makes superb shocks.

I too have a question about shocks. Will standard replacements shocks work with TT and shackles? I have 110k orig. shocks, looking to replace them. I have searched threads and cant find an answer. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

mountaineergree said:
I too have a question about shocks. Will standard replacements shocks work with TT and shackles? I have 110k orig. shocks, looking to replace them. I have searched threads and cant find an answer. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

