Ranger SVT/Thunderbolt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger SVT/Thunderbolt


Typing Police
April 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
In the mug by Chitown
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 JEEP Wrangler
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Yup... a ranger with Lightning guts... can we say a cool truck?

Here's a link to the site:
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Found the stuff on pirate4x4.com


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that is sick.. but if u can fit a 5.4 into a ranger.. cant u fit that into an X :rolleyes:

Yup... unless complete frame and inner fender mods were done

The entire lower suspension was modded for the V8 to fit, also the tranny was "reworked" in order to allow enough clearance. They said suspension parts from the F150 were used to handle the extra weight of the V8. MotorWeek had a feature on this truck last week, I think they said it had over 400HP :eek:

EDIT: Here is the MotorWeek write up on it. Dead Link Removed

THats the best Ranger I have ever seen, Kick ass.

I wonder what the did to make the wheels fit.
