Rear anti lock light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear anti lock light


April 30, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Plano, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Eddie Baurer
I have a 92 EB 4x4. The rear anti lock light is always comming on a couple of seconds after I start the engine. The brakes are working fine. I went to the Ford house and bought a rear anti lock sensor for $17.00. Went home to change it out but couldn't find where it is located. Can someone please tell me where this thing is. I've looked around the rear differential and axel area but couldn't find it. Anyway, any help will be appreciated.

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I know there is something located on the bottom of the master cylinder resivoir. I took the wire connection out of it one time, forgot to put it back in and the ABS light came on, and the rear ABS did not work. The "brake" light did not come on just the ABS light.

Plugged it back in, the light went off.

This may be totally unrelated but thought it might help.


For the rear (only) anti-lock system, the sensor is bolted onto the rear axle housing, my recollection is that it is near the top of the differential housing. The sensor reads an exciter ring which is mounted on the ring gear inside the differential.

When was the last time you had your brake system flushed and filled with new fluid?? Brake fluid is hygroscopic and will accumulate water over time. adding moisture to brake fluid changes the specific density of the fluid, and this can fool the ABS system into thinking that the pressure is low and throw the light on. I had this happen to my '92 with the rear anti lock brake system. After I had the system flushed, the problem disappeared. It took about a week after the flush for the light to go out because the ABS module is on a dead end line, and it took that long for the old brake fluid in the module to be mixed with enough new fluid to make the module happy again.

I'd have the codes pulled before you put the sensor in the rear. If it shows low fluid pressure (that's what mine said, but we put a mechanical pressure gage on the system, and it read fine), but the brakes work fine, it's probably the fluid. If it shows a bad sensor, then put your sensor in.

Thanks for the tips. I just bought the thing a couple of months ago so I don't know when the last time the brake fluid was flushed. I didn't thing about checking the codes out. I'm going to check the codes out tonight. I'll let you all know what I find out.
