Rear Driveshaft lengths? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Driveshaft lengths?


New Member
April 4, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Eddie Bauer 4.0
I broke my Transmission and twisted my rear driveshaft in 2 pieces.
I got the new tranny in but havent gotten the transfer case back in yet so I can't measure it .
What is the length of the REAR DRIVESHAFT. It's a 1997 4.0 V6 Auto Eddie Bauer Edition. What years can I replace with it if any? It's a BW4405 Transfercase and a 5R55E Tranny, If that helps.

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I broke my Transmission and twisted my rear driveshaft in 2 pieces.
I got the new tranny in but havent gotten the transfer case back in yet so I can't measure it .
What is the length of the REAR DRIVESHAFT. It's a 1997 4.0 V6 Auto Eddie Bauer Edition. What years can I replace with it if any? It's a BW4405 Transfercase and a 5R55E Tranny, If that helps. or your dealer can help with that.

Can you find a used driveshaft at a junkyard?

What were you doing to break your transmission and twist off a driveshaft?

Any pics?

Was Driving down the highway...

Wife was driving down the highway at 70 mph and the the Trans froze up I guess and broke the housing and twisted the driveshaft into 2 pieces, I am sure I can get one out of a yard around here but since I don't have the Transfer case back in yet I can't measure it to see how long of one I needed I am also rebuilding the Transfer case that is why I don't have it back in there yet and wanted to get the parts all in one trip if I could. So was asking how long it should be, or what years can I look at that will fit?

Wholly hell bat man!

Good thing the driveshaft sheared off and it didn't just drag the back tires. You'd have to be Mario Andretti to be able to keep it straight at that speed.

not 100 % certain, but shouldn't the driveshaft from 96 to 01 fit??? that seems to be the listings on all the auto parts sites,,

Yeah I am going to take the rear diff apart and check that out, I just kinda find it hard to beleive it would only twist the driveshaft and not really do anymore damage,Well I guess the transmission is toast and and it destroyed the exhaust system,as well as the driveshaft
