Rear end noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear end noise

Rodeo Joe

Elite Bostonian
August 29, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Frankin, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
Hi all,

New to the board and this is the first official post. My wife and I own a '97 XLT with about 88K miles on it. Lately it seems the rear end end is starting to howl around 20 mph or so. The timing is bad because I put new tires on around the same time so I'm not sure if it's actually the tires making the noise. I've heard people complaining about the same noise in a car and turning out to be a carrier bearing. Just wondering if anyone here has had a similar problem. Thanks for the read. :)


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First thing to check is the Differential fluid level. May just be low. Do you have a Ltd Slip rear end?

Originally posted by TPLYNCH
Do you have a Ltd Slip rear end?
Honestly I couldn't tell you, I think I better do a search! :eek: The axle code is 45. I'll check the fluid over the weekend, thanks.


Found it, 3.55 open.


My '95 rear hummed at all speeds and that was a bearing in the diff. Got it built, 12K miles later, started humming again.

If you have a new set of tires back there tho, my first guess would be that it is probably them.

With new tires as the new variable ....could be
Maybe the old tires were making so much noise you could not hear the drivetrain noise

Drive noises travel from place you would not believe.
Here is what I always end up doing:
Jack up the rear end and start spinning and shaking things
Spin the rear wheel
Listen for rotory noises

Check u joints for play and all the bolts in the drive shaft and tranny .....look around ... loose drivetrain bolts! I picked an apple from that barrel of life.

Shake the rear wheels for excessive play - as in bad outer bearing.

Poorly lubed (or tired) u jiont can start making noise when you reach a cetain speed especially under load.

Test drive the car and coast in netrual when the noise kicks in. Test it when the car is going over 20 with you foot off the gas.

Best advice you have to play with it a little to help you isolated the problem.
