Rear Hatch Lock - Actuator Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Hatch Lock - Actuator Replacement


Well-Known Member
April 1, 2011
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2000 XLT 4.0 SOHC 4DR 2WD
2000 4-Door XLT. The actuator that operates the lock for the rear hatch works only about 10% of the time. Anybody replaced the actuator? Any pointers/tips you can share?

Thanks for your help.

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2000 4-Door XLT. The actuator that operates the lock for the rear hatch works only about 10% of the time. Anybody replaced the actuator? Any pointers/tips you can share?

Thanks for your help.

It's not an easy job because of the way the actuator's rod is attached to the latch. You basically have to pretty much strip the inside of the hatch door out to be able to unhook the actuator rod. There is a brace/mounting bracket in the center of the door that everything attaches to. It's not a super difficult job, but working over your is a PITA. Ford could have made this job much easier by using a different attachment method for the actuator rod.

Tip - While your in the hatch be sure to lube every moving part (exterior door handle, left and right latches, any pivot points).

I just did it and i found if you bend the actuator rod end out of parallel 45 degrees, it goes on without taking the whole thing apart. The end should look like this I_i from one side and like this I/ if you rotate the rod.

I just did it and i found if you bend the actuator rod end out of parallel 45 degrees, it goes on without taking the whole thing apart. The end should look like this I_i from one side and like this I/ if you rotate the rod.
Do you have images?


The first pic is from inside the rear hatch, left side of the pic is up and the rod is in the upper left. Other pics are the old rod that i bent to take the pics.


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