Rear rattle??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear rattle???


August 18, 2011
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2020 XLT, 202A,
Im around 2500 miles and a loud rattle has developed in the back of the vehicle. It sounds more like something is loose as opposed to high pitched squeaking.

I thought it was the spare tire and jack but I completely removed it and the rattle is still there. I even put rubber washers on the license plate screws.

Any ideas??????

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Im around 2500 miles and a loud rattle has developed in the back of the vehicle. It sounds more like something is loose as opposed to high pitched squeaking.

I thought it was the spare tire and jack but I completely removed it and the rattle is still there. I even put rubber washers on the license plate screws.

Any ideas??????

are you sure it's all the way to the back? I also had an annoying rattle and it turned out to be the driver's side second row coat hanger was loose, giving a metallic rattle, I tightened it up and rattle is gone:thumbsup:

I have a rattle inside the hinge on the 60% side of my back seat. Just waiting to take it in for a laundry list of stuff to get fixed.

Suttle rattle behind driver somewhere from the back on bumpy roads. Sounds metallic have not done done the back seat listen test to isolate

I had a similar issue when driving on rough roads. It ended up being the rear licence plate. There were only screws in the top two holes. I added screws to the bottom two and the problem went away.

On the rear wheel well there is a small mud flap. In front of the wheel. There are two pins holding it to the under carriage. Check it out. These are small mud flaps. Drove me nuts for about a week. Happened right after I had the tires rotated. Imagine that. Darn Techs. Popped the pins back in.... all is super quiet again.

I have a rattle inside the hinge on the 60% side of my back seat. Just waiting to take it in for a laundry list of stuff to get fixed.

Same with my car, the second row seat hinge is rattling. A few months ago right before this start rattling, I was in the freeway with heavy traffic traveling about 30-40 mph, suddenly I heard a very loud bang. I started looking left and right, I though someone blew up a car tire. Then I started to wonder maybe it's my car tire that blew up. I immediately move the slow lane, but I did not experiencing a pull of the car to either side, so looks it's not a tire problem. I drove slowly all the way home. I look under the car, look at the engine, I found nothing that could make that loud sound. A few days later, I started noticing a metal rattling sound whenever the car going through a rough road or bumps. After a few weeks trying to find the source of the sound, I finally narrow it down to the hinge of the second row seat. So I think the 'spring' in the hinge snap causing the loud bang scaring the hell out of me.

To check this with your vehicle, try hitting the hinge with your fist, you should hear the same rattle sound.
I'm waiting for the first oil change before let them fix this.

Same with my car, the second row seat hinge is rattling. A few months ago right before this start rattling, I was in the freeway with heavy traffic traveling about 30-40 mph, suddenly I heard a very loud bang. I started looking left and right, I though someone blew up a car tire. Then I started to wonder maybe it's my car tire that blew up. I immediately move the slow lane, but I did not experiencing a pull of the car to either side, so looks it's not a tire problem. I drove slowly all the way home. I look under the car, look at the engine, I found nothing that could make that loud sound. A few days later, I started noticing a metal rattling sound whenever the car going through a rough road or bumps. After a few weeks trying to find the source of the sound, I finally narrow it down to the hinge of the second row seat. So I think the 'spring' in the hinge snap causing the loud bang scaring the hell out of me.

To check this with your vehicle, try hitting the hinge with your fist, you should hear the same rattle sound.
I'm waiting for the first oil change before let them fix this.

I had same issue, loose spring in middle seat, fixed under warranty:thumbsup:

I think that may be it. Its definetly a "loose metal" sound. Im going to fold the seats forward for my drive home today and see if that sheds any light on it.

My rattle turned out to be the harness in the rear speaker tapping against the body. Pull the trim down a bit and repositioned the harness. If you tapped on the speaker grill it sounded like a bb or piece of metal was loose in there.

I am having a similar rattle, going to try some of these things stated.

I've had a rattle too on my 2012 and a high pitch jiggle noise too, two different sounds. Taking it in tomorrow.


This is an old post but I just bought a used 2011 explorer and am having the same issue with the mud flaps flapping. If anyone can tell me how to pop the pins back in I would greatly appreciate it!!!

On the rear wheel well there is a small mud flap. In front of the wheel. There are two pins holding it to the under carriage. Check it out. These are small mud flaps. Drove me nuts for about a week. Happened right after I had the tires rotated. Imagine that. Darn Techs. Popped the pins back in.... all is super quiet again.

This is an old post but I just bought a used 2011 explorer and am having the same issue with the mud flaps flapping. If anyone can tell me how to pop the pins back in I would greatly appreciate it!!!
Welcome to the Forum supierce.:wavey:
Are you also referring to the small piece that is mounted in front of the rear wheel? If so, that is not a mud flap. Like the front lower air dam, this piece is part of the vehicle's aerodynamics. I'm not sure if they are just push pins as they seem to have a slot in the head. If you can't get them in, I suppose screws would do the job.



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