rebuild or engine swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rebuild or engine swap?


February 10, 2014
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2001 Explorer XLT SOHC
'03 Explorer 4.0 SOHC TC jumped, oil sprayed, going uphill under load. So which way have you all found is most economical? Engine swap(used), Rebuild, or remaned engine?

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I got a remanufactured
It was easier than rebuilding
Not cheep
4 year 100000 mile warranty


Depends on how much your time is worth. Anything used should probably have the timing components replaced. Say 1500 for a running long block, probably 600 for aftermarket parts, a other 600 for the OTC tool and other tools, your looking at 2700 for a reliable used engine. That and the time to get everything right. How much for a drop in?

Depends on how much your time is worth. Anything used should probably have the timing components replaced. Say 1500 for a running long block, probably 600 for aftermarket parts, a other 600 for the OTC tool and other tools, your looking at 2700 for a reliable used engine. That and the time to get everything right. How much for a drop in?
BTW- this thing had to sit a few months, battery went dead, recharged battery, but now I can not move it. Just wont budge, like trans is locked up, antitheft or something. Any ideas?

Did you have the parking brake on? It may have rusted the cable or the shoes are stuck and is not releasing.
