Reduce Glare from LEDs? [pics] | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Reduce Glare from LEDs? [pics]

I installed LEDs in my cupholders and they look great, but how can I reduce the glare they are causing on the windshield?

Here are my cupholders:


Here is the glare:

Thanks :)

I sanded the tips of my leds down. Mine don't cause any glare. But i may also have dimmer leds.

I was going to say too, most people who do the "ambient lighting" put a dimmer on the LED's. Looks like nuclear poland spring you got there.

Does anyone have any idea on how to use the interior light dimmer wheel (next to headlight knob)? I know I'd have to use a relay I just don't know what wire it is to tap.

There must be wire that attaches to a dimmable dashboard light somewhere near. Use that to power your LEDs. No relay necessary. Just find a light that dims with the wheel and tap into that wire for power to your LEDs.
