removing the exhaust to pull the trans? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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removing the exhaust to pull the trans?

September 26, 2007
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'98 Limited Explorer
i have a 91 that the clutch went out in and i read that part of the exhaust needs to come of to drop the trans but with a 3 in. body lift do i still have to remove the exhaust?


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i have a 91 that the clutch went out in and i read that part of the exhaust needs to come of to drop the trans but with a 3 in. body lift do i still have to remove the exhaust?


Mine had a 2" BL and yes the section of the exaust from the manifold to the next connection needed to come out. The body lift make no difference in this case.

Tip: Use PB Blaster on the bolts..

My X is lowered 5" in front, and I have taken the transmission out quite a few times without having to remove the problem.


Never removed the y-pipe in any RBV with any engine or any tranny, the body lift makes a huge difference.

The body lift will help getting to the top two bolts much easier and maybe allow you to lift the trans above the y-pipe easier. I have hedman headers and I have to remove the y-pipe and the driver side header to remove the transmission.

ok well i think i can get it around the exhaust but now the hydraulic disconnect isnt coming apart. i have the disconnect tool but it just keeps bending. any tips for that?

I've always used wot small screwdrivers to push the plastic collar in to remove the line.

X2 I'd tried using the tool but a flathead screwdriver works so much better. Once you get the collar completely in the line just pops right out.

The body lift will help getting to the top two bolts much easier and maybe allow you to lift the trans above the y-pipe easier. I have hedman headers and I have to remove the y-pipe and the driver side header to remove the transmission.

The body lift did make extra clearance for the two top tranny bolts.

Push the plastic clip in with your smallest flathead screw driver, then push the fitting together , push the plastic clip in more...then pull apart...easy.


well i finally got the fitting off with a screwdriver. for those of you who didnt take the exhaust off did you pull the tranfer case off?

What are you using to remove the trans? If you have a trans jack then I wouldnt bother removing the t-case but if your planning on taking it out by hand then removing the t-case will make manuevering it much easier and its only held in by 5 bolts

yea i have a trans jack but theres not really anyway that i can tilt the transfer case down so that it will clear the gas tank.

Yes, there is a diagonal 'crack' in the plastic sleeve.


how far does the trans have to come back before its off the shaft? i took the transfer case off and now im hitting the exhaust.
