Repainting the exterior trim on '03 XLT | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Repainting the exterior trim on '03 XLT

I used a heat gun on my dad's Dodge Dakota to get the trim back to black. It was amazing how it made the trim look and feel brand new within seconds. Didn't have to remove or paint any parts. Took about 20 minutes to do all of the trim

Thats actually really cool that you can achieve getting the black back with a heat gun.

Here is a couple shots of my Ex with the trim painted.



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Do you have any pictures of the trim from the doors off. I had heard that the ones on the door are strong double sided tape, are they really just clips?

Do you have any pictures of the trim from the doors off. I had heard that the ones on the door are strong double sided tape, are they really just clips?

I think he just taped everything off and went crazy with the spray? At least that's what I would do.

I was thinking that but hoping not, soon my rear quarter panel ones will be coming off due to rust, was hoping if they all came off then maybe i could just paint them all by just taking all of them off

Well I did take the bumpers off to paint them, but I did just used newpaper and painters tape on the side panels on the doors. Mostly because I got the rear drivers side door panel off, and decided it would be a major pain to take them all off. But they are all just held on by clips, I used a small crows foot with a towel wrapped around it to avoid scratching paint. Probably 5 to 6 clips per panel. but there was no double sided tape. Very easy to take off. Sorry didn't grab any pictures though. Hope it ain't bad i went crazy with the spray limited.

alright that makes me willing to take mine off

as well as the plastic trim, I also did my door pillars and door handles. Here is a couple shots of them.





and this last one shows the contrast between the gloss that comes from the factory, to the Krylon Satin black I used.
