Replace EATC with 'regular' controls? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replace EATC with 'regular' controls?

December 14, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Amarillo, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Mountaineer
Got a buddy with a 96 limited and he is thinking of yanking the EATC in favor of a regular "knob" unit.

Do-able or more trouble than it's worth?


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well define more trouble then its worth...but if its anything like the conversion the other way...its is a pita.

May I ask why?

Non PITA status would be --> swap a few parts and the thing is done

Why? That's just the way he is. It has acted skitzy in the past and he's, for the sake of simplicity (and his cheapness most likely, since those EATC units are big $$$$ to replace should it really decide to take a dump), wants to put a good ole knob he can man handle. LOL


Figure on replacing the entire dash harness. Blend door motor. And the variable resisitor on the blower. Which either requires custom wiring, or a portion of the engine harness. He will also loose the message center, and possibly his radio system.

Look on ebay if you think the control unit is going bad.

Might not be a bad idea to describe the problem better than "skitzy". Someone maybe able to help solve the problem.

It would be easier to troubleshoot the eatc system. Why replace many parts to convert when you could probably just replace one? The eatc system can display trouble codes on it's display if you press a certain button sequence. I don't remember what it is though.

i don't mean to hijack this, but is it a easy swap to do from the knob type to the electric controls? i have a 98 sport, and i just saw one of the control unit in a limited, and i think they look cool, that i'm just trying to put options in the truck that it didn't have.

It is a cool mod. I did it in my sport. I love the end result, but it was quite a pain to do it. I opted to use factory wiring harnesses from a truck that already had eatc instead of wiring it all myself. There are a lot of wires that hook to the unit, and wiring it all yourself would be a nightmare in my opinion. I replaced the dash harness and the engine bay harness. In addition to the unit and wiring harnesses, you need the set of vacuum lines, sun load sensor, external temp sensor, blend door controller, cabin temp sensor and blower motor controller. Others have installed the unit by wiring it all up themselves, so if you are good with that stuff, don't get turned away.

How would it be possible to make a custom wiring for the resistor if I have a EB engine bay harness on a xlt with the manual controls? The dang EB harness has a totally different plug for the resistor.... And I cant find a xlt harness anywhere....
