How to: - Replace Gaskets On The 4.0 OHV Oil Filter Adapter / Mount | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Replace Gaskets On The 4.0 OHV Oil Filter Adapter / Mount

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Donald....I have asked Trojan on guarantee's and they said they have a 100 year wear guarantee......dont go to NASA....for
cover........the space station is leaking now.....according to Russia....and someone drill a hole in it story.
^^^ What?

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^^^ What?
You have not heard their are suppose to be fracture metal issues with the space station and their was a hole in it...few months
ago....the Russians claim it was drilled into the station......

Mr Alligator......If you have been brain washed watching CNN its Russia, to the principal's office.

The big new Russian space station module, Nauka, finally docked with the International Space Station after several technical issues en route to the orbiting laboratory. However, the problems did not end there. About three hours after linking to the station, Nauka began firing its propulsion thrusters, throwing the space station off kilter.

This led NASA Mission Control in Houston to initiate "loss of attitude control" procedures on board the station, a contingency astronauts and flight controllers train for. Then, in concert with flight controllers in Moscow, the teams commanded the station to fire its thrusters on the Russian segment of the space station, as well as a Progress supply vehicle attached to the laboratory. These combined actions prevented the station from tumbling too violently until Nauka exhausted its primary fuel supply.

At around the same time, Russia announced that there was a small hole in a different Soyuz vehicle, already attached to the International Space Station. “We are able to narrow down the cause to a technological mistake of a technician," Rogozin said of the problem.


Here's what you see when you remove the Oil Filter Adapter.
Thanks for the tutorial Dave.
I'm working on this project now but cannot access the 2 inside bolts for manifold to Y pipe. What tool did you use?

Thanks for the tutorial Dave.
I'm working on this project now but cannot access the 2 inside bolts for manifold to Y pipe. What tool did you use?


Glad that the write-up is helping all these years later -

To remove the Y Pipe from the 2 Exhaust manifolds, I used a 13mm 6 point socket on a really long extension that led it's way to a breaker bar.
The breaker bar was 1/2" so I used a 1/2" to 3/8" reducer to connect to the extension.
Even with soaking the bolts in PB Blaster, you will really flex your tools when going full on lefty loosey.

I hope this answers your question - any more questions, just ask!



Copy that Dave. I spent some $ at harbor freight on some impact extensions and used my impact driver last night. After a few choice words, got them to break loose. Also, just FYI, the bolts on my (1996) exhaust are 15mm. Not sure why they are different. Thanks again for all the help!

Copy that Dave. I spent some $ at harbor freight on some impact extensions and used my impact driver last night. After a few choice words, got them to break loose. Also, just FYI, the bolts on my (1996) exhaust are 15mm. Not sure why they are different. Thanks again for all the help!

Hey Grant, glad to hear that it all worked out!

Also, thanks for adding good input to the thread, and documenting your technique to break the bolts loose between the Y Pipe to Exhaust Manifold, as well as your 15mm bolt head size. Hopefully that will help others out.

As Grant has shown, it pays to be prepared. Different stages of production as well as different owners over the past 28-29 years will keep future owners "surprised" when they're making repairs.

Also, I figured I'd add this, final refitting of everything exhaust related requires keeping ALL of the nuts and bolts loose, and slowly tightening them up/lining the parts up so everything fits like it did before it came off.

If I remember correctly, I had some fitting issues with the Y Pipe touching the case of my manual transmission, and had to loosen things up and GRADUALLY re-fit before finally getting "right".

Hope that helps -
