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Retread Tires

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Off road sometimes requires a better-stronger tire than on road. Although the heat from on road is a big factor too. I wouldn't use them but thats just me.

heard of a lot of people losing the cap that they put on they tire during the retreading if i had a dedicated offroad rig i might think about them but i probably wouldnt put them on a DD

I have read many threads on other forums about these tires. All opinions seem to be that they are good for the price. The only reported problem i've heard of is the tread seperating if you run them with really low pressure. I very well may run these on my sploder once finished.

I can't beleive there are places still recapping tires. Personaly I wouldn't buy them. My dad used to buy recapped tires in the '70's and they liked to seperate all the time.

The prices don't look that spectacular to me either. As the saying goes. You get what you pay for.

why go cheap, its not much more money for a good tire? i mean, $100 a tire that is a POS, or $150 for a great tire.

I am an aircraft mechanic, in the airlines they only use recaps from bf goodrich, the difference being they are rated for 190 mph and have no tread pattern, just slicks, also they are retread by the manufacturer.

I have had and used the tires from that company before and will buy them again. I have had nothing but great results with them. Their OTR mud tire is sick is snow, rain, mud and even on dry pavement. They were well made and wore pretty good. I had them in 31's on my old rodeo, and was going to split the tires from the rims they were on and put them on my explorer, but my dad took the rims and tires from my old truck to the junkyard before I could do so. This guy has been doing this for a while, uses only quality casings and delivers a top notch product. The prices are cheaper because you aren't using as much new rubber. They also have a couple of new tread patterns out now, that they didn't have when I ordered my first set. I had these tires on just about any terrain possible. I took them down the interstate doing up to 85 mph (going downhill in an underpowered rodeo), through the rigors of Paragon adventure park on a wintery day (ice, mud, water, etc). I will include a link to my cardomain site that shows how they looked and what I went through with them. I can't say enough good things about these tires when I had them, which is why I will be getting another set, probably the same ones, even though I kind of like their AT/D too.

