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Return of ECX Paragon Trip 4-20-02

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Okay, let's try this again...

Crazy Namitey!


  • namitey.jpg
    64.8 KB · Views: 238

that's a great pic
looks like you were haveing fun crossing there

where are the pics?

They're in hiding, dammit!

Here's Jeff...

BTW, are those running boards or diving boards? :D


  • jeff copy.jpg
    jeff copy.jpg
    69.7 KB · Views: 178

Here's one for poor Parli, since everybody keeps picking on him...

This might make a nice avatar, if you want


  • parli22.jpg
    66.1 KB · Views: 224

that's a great pic looks like you were haveing fun crossing there

I had fun, I wonder how much fun the people standing @ the top of the hill where having when they realized i wasnt gonna get stuck and they had to run to get out of my way. :D

Does anybody object to me taking up space like this? With photos? I'm bored and having wait until Wal-mart gives me a Cd wth all the pics on it is terrible....

Oh, look!
Wild Exploders in their natural habitat!


  • explorerus.jpg
    93 KB · Views: 210

oooh! Another avatar opportunity for Parli!

>snff snff< Is that burnt alternator I smell?? (I took this 30 seconds before she blew, Cap'n)


  • parli.jpg
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This one's typical....Me and Lizard butting heads


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Here's Willie taking the plunge (sorry it's so blurry, Willie!)


  • willie wonka.jpg
    willie wonka.jpg
    95.8 KB · Views: 199

Wooo! This is more addictive than I thought!

Here's the rock that Matt bonded with just before he set off to make his own trail :D


  • matt vs rock.jpg
    matt vs rock.jpg
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Maybe I should join Picture Posters anonymous or something...


  • chad.jpg
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....Annnnnnd I'm spent! Whew! The sugar cookies are finally wearing off, Thank God. It's two o' clock in the morning here...I hope these hold you guys over until I can show off the other 80 pictures :cool:

I had to have a picture of some nice rear ends ;)


  • butt shot.jpg
    butt shot.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 192

Spas, if you want, put ALL of your pictures on a CD. Mail it to me and I can put them up on the ECX site.

Man, it took me like 2 hours to look/read thru all this. I'm so jealous!! I'm gonna have to get in on the next one!!

About Josh's (jot017) explorer. I'm also glad that his tie rod waited to break when he was going less than 2-3mph. I would hated to been at highway speeds when it broke being we drove all the way back like that. Too bad he had to call for a Chevy Z71 to come load him on a trailer and pull him home. It's all in good fun. They are all made here in the good ol USA.

Keep them trails warm.

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Originally posted by Jamiez71.
About Josh's (jot017) explorer. I'm also glad that his tie rod waited to break when he was going less than 2-3mph. I would hated to been at highway speeds when it broke being we drove all the way back like that. Too bad he had to call for a Chevy Z71 to come load him on a trailer and pull him home. It's all in good fun. They are all made here in the good ol USA.

I'm gonna have to agree with you Jamie, as long as it's American, it's ok. It's when Assteks start pulling 4x4's around, then it's time to worry.
