Return of ECX Paragon Trip 4-20-02 | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Return of ECX Paragon Trip 4-20-02

I knew i could come back here and see a Chevy comment from Jamie! Couldn't resist could you? I wish we could say they were made in the USA, i get tired of using metic sockets on this thing!

But all is together now, pretty simple job. Runs strait too.

Happy trails!!

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I try ;) Thanks for the compliments...I'll decide what to do with the CD when I get it tomorrow. I can't send it to you or Namitey,'s got some pics on there that...well...Let's just say it doesn't leave this house. lol

Very soon guys, very soon....

Karol, thank you for letting me borrow your hand held Cb-I don't think I got to say that before you left :)

No problem can borrow it anytime you want....


it's got some pics on there that...well...Let's just say it doesn't leave this house. lol

Spas we dont want to know what you and Lizard where doing saturday night. :p guess you better make a cd with out your questionable material so we can see all the 4wheeling pics :D :bounce:

Originally posted by Muskrat

The Rock Krawl is at OK Auto in Stewartsville NJ.

I was planning on going but can't drive being on crutches, still :mad: :mad: :mad:

Spas we dont want to know what you and Lizard where doing saturday night.


Actually, I was waiting for somebody to imply that, lol. I kinda doubt Lizard's capable of that kind of dishonesty...after all, he couldn't even remember that he gassed up his tank the next day :rolleyes: (or make more than one PBJ per MINUTE)

If it wasn't for the spare blankets that I brought with me, he and Yob_Yeknom would've been sleeping on cold hardwood floor :cool:

Namitey's gonna get the WHOLE can of @$$whoop next get together....

Im a good lizard.... never done no wrong..... Im good... becides... im too much to handle in bed...:D :D :D lol....

I could say something, but I'll keep my mouth shut.

Leave it to Spas to make a cd with all the 4wheeling pictures then put some questionable material on it so that no one can see the 4wheeling pictures. :confused:

*Sees Spas coming @ him with a knife and runs away*

Originally posted by lizardtrac
Im a good lizard.... never done no wrong..... Im good... becides... im too much to handle in bed...:D :D :D lol....

OOhh I was wondering why Spas called you the minuteman....j/k... but really ...maybe what you mean by "too much" is that you lay diagonally and take up the whole bed......

poor Spas....see what ya get for sleeping on a cold hard floor.....? lol lol ;) :D


(stabs the hell out of Namitey)

Okay guys, I officially believe that these pics are cursed! I got all 111 of them on two CD's, neither of which my computer can read :fire:

SOOOOOOOOOO, I shipped them express to John today, who offered to put them all on the ECX site (or wherever). He should have the CDs by Tuesday, so hopefully he'll have better luck with them than I did.

poor Spas....see what ya get for sleeping on a cold hard floor.....? lol lol

Oh, I've learned my lessons! I'm permanently off tuna, Matt's mad at me, Chris snores (or maybe that was John? LOL), and the Hazleton Weis doesn't open 'till 7 am ;)

BTW, thanks for the little day brightener I got in my mail today, Jeff-it sure beats looking at bills! :)

Ciao, everybody! I'm off to see Spiderman!

Spiderman, Spiderman, does everything a Spider caaaaan....Okay, enough of that.

Originally posted by Spas
(stabs the hell out of Namitey)

Okay guys, I officially believe that these pics are cursed! I got all 111 of them on two CD's, neither of which my computer can read :fire:

SOOOOOOOOOO, I shipped them express to John today, who offered to put them all on the ECX site (or wherever). He should have the CDs by Tuesday, so hopefully he'll have better luck with them than I did.

Oh, I've learned my lessons! I'm permanently off tuna, Matt's mad at me, Chris snores (or maybe that was John? LOL), and the Hazleton Weis doesn't open 'till 7 am ;)

OK, so do those CD's have the "good" stuff on em????

I dont snore damnit!!!!!!!!

OK, so do those CD's have the "good" stuff on em????

Define "good stuff"....Like you peeing in the woods? :D J/K

Honest to God guys, the pictures I didn't want to subject your innocent little minds to was me and the boyfriend in our swimming stuff in OC last year. I'm trying to keep you all from going blind....

Mad? Who's mad? I don't made SPas, it's ok....OH, uh, I do get revenge though..

Originally posted by Spas
Chris snores (or maybe that was John? LOL
I don't think I do, but I was arguing with a small cold that weekend so maybe I did. :confused:

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Originally posted by 2001ExpSport
Mad? Who's mad? I don't made SPas, it's ok....OH, uh, I do get revenge though..

are you and Parli22 sharing the same stuff?
