Rolln' or racing? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rolln' or racing?


Active Member
March 25, 2001
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City, State
Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
This is just a general post because i just wanted to see peoples opinion. Whats better to create an X that is all show or is it better to create an X that goes really fast. Thanks, because i have a triked out X show wise but nothing under the hood and am trying to decide what to do.

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I'd say do half & takes too much money to make Explorer go somewhat fast. If speed is what you really want, it's not going to be worth the money & effort IMO :exp:

im with kontrol-trak. a lil of both is perfect.

It's best to simply customize the vehicle to do what YOU want to do. If you feel you need to make your truck look better but if power is adequate, dont worry about it. Making your truck look better will never cost you as much as making it fast.

Originally posted by Jason_25
Making your truck look better will never cost you as much as making it fast.

heh, wanna bet?

Yeah. New paint and everything would be like 300 bucks. Add in tires and rims for another 1000. That's only 4000. For 4000 an explorer still wouldn't be "fast" compared to all other cars out there if a shop was doing the work.

$4000? Unless you weren't going for anything spectacular (which is fine) i would agree. But include lowering (granted isn't much) and a Saleen kit (not sure for the whole thing but i know the front fascia is $500) and ur gettin pretty high up there ( at least on my pathetic income level ;)). I agree that it takes a heck of a lot of money to get an X fast, but to get it lookin really sharp can also take some cash.

Originally posted by Jason_25
Yeah. New paint and everything would be like 300 bucks. Add in tires and rims for another 1000. That's only 4000. For 4000 an explorer still wouldn't be "fast" compared to all other cars out there if a shop was doing the work.

eh? get off the drugs man, theyre screwing you up :p

-new paint = few grand
-rims = potentially $10,000
-drop with airbags = i dont know, but a lot.
-audio/video = the skys the limit (literally)
-tires = about a grand
-custom interior = few grand
-some chrome parts under the hood = ~$1500 (for arguments sake
-not to mention that since its a show truck, you wont be driving it, so youre gonna need a truck to haul it and an enclosed trailer too.

so right there is a potential cost of....well, infinity ;) seriously, you could easily drop $20k or more on a show truck. i know you could easily spend that much on performance mods too, but lets keep it all in perspective.

i cant even imagine what troll spent, or pur pony ;)

Sorry I did smoke a little too much crack when I got home from school today. I meant to put $3000.

But seriously, 10,000 ON RIMS??????????????????

I don't have a clue where you live but if you can get even a decent pain job for 300 bucks, whoa. Th e paint job I want will be a little under 8,000. My rims cost me 2500, my interior is going to be 1800, lowering cost only 180 but I lowered it 2" before I bag it so it will lay rail, baggin it is going to be another 2k, and the engine I want to put in potentially will be a 5k project easily. I've dumped about 10g's in my X within the last year on addons alone and it's still not anything spectacular in my book. I'm on a #1 stunna type mission :) and I give props to anyone who drops g after g on there ride and still want to do more

Originally posted by Jason_25
But seriously, 10,000 ON RIMS??????????????????

yup. you ever see those rims that build up momentum while the wheels are spinning, and when the truck comes to a stop, the one piece keeps spinning? theyre $10,000 for a set of 4. when i went to my wheel guy to pick out my rims, a guy in an expedition rolled in and goes "yo, stace! you got my wheels?! 8 grand right?" and he pulled out a wad of cash the size of my head and slapped in on the counter like a "john" slapping the ass of a hooker after some friday nigh lovin'. hehe.

Originally posted by Jason_25

But seriously, 10,000 ON RIMS??????????????????
Bling bling :D

Originally posted by newbz
I don't have a clue where you live but if you can get even a decent pain job for 300 bucks, whoa. Th e paint job I want will be a little under 8,000. My rims cost me 2500, my interior is going to be 1800, lowering cost only 180 but I lowered it 2" before I bag it so it will lay rail, baggin it is going to be another 2k, and the engine I want to put in potentially will be a 5k project easily. I've dumped about 10g's in my X within the last year on addons alone and it's still not anything spectacular in my book. I'm on a #1 stunna type mission :) and I give props to anyone who drops g after g on there ride and still want to do more

you got any pics? :D

Originally posted by tbomb

yup. you ever see those rims that build up momentum while the wheels are spinning, and when the truck comes to a stop, the one piece keeps spinning?

I've seen those on a CL600...very cool rims :cool:

Originally posted by Kontrol-Trak

I've seen those on a CL600...very cool rims :cool:

indeed :) theyre awesome.

i wish i could afford the things i want to do to my explorer to make it look better. i spend all my money on making it sound better. i wouldn't waste my money trying to make it fast. it isn't meant to go fast. my daytona is fast, and i could make it a lot faster for the money it would take to make my explorer somewhat quick.

I just do a bit of everything. When I get some cash, I decide what area I'm gonna spend it on. Granted, my truck doesn't look that pretty; with all the scratches and wierd **** poking out everywhere, but I think it looks good. And BTW, It's cost(ing) me about $6000-7000 in the perf parts to get my truck close to 13s.

My aim is for my truck to be the best all-around vehicle:

Good handling on the road
Offroad capability

So far I think it's going pretty well. I'm gonna be close to the 13s with N2O, can hang with many stock 4x4s on the trail (with my 2wd), can corner very very well for a lifted truck, and can get some double takes too. :D

you got to have a little of each. but i don't think trucks have to be fast to be cool. but i think every custom truck has to have exhaust and cool rims- from there you can spend the rest of your money on looks or go it's really your choice and only you know what you want.

for me i just always have about twenty things in mind that i might want to do and when i get money one of them always seem to choose me.

as for a cool looking truck for 3,000-- yeah right. my rims and tires set me back 2,500 and they're only 17s. add in a grill, and a front fascia and you already have that much and you still look almost stock.

Expo, i know what you are talking about, i have way too many mod ideas next, and I hafta choose only one to work on next. Right now im seeing if i can get in with this group buy so i can get a good deal on summit parts, its 500 bucks to get in, but you get 40% off summitt parts, so if they dont exclude the bbk S/C im doing it.:)

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I'm sorry guys......I'm still laughing my ass off at tbombs
description of the guy buying the 10k

