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rusty radiator


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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City, State
Blacksburg, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
I've got a 93, and the water in my radiator looks horrible, its a beautiful rust brown. This bothers me because less than a year ago it was flushed and its already looking like this again...any ideas?

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is it oily?

I'm pretty sure there was a thread similar to this not too long ago... do a search

Could be a blown head gasket. Is the recovery bottle full? Also, with the engine cold, take off the radiator cap and rev it up. If it overflows out the radiator, it could be a blown head gasket.

no its not oily, just a rust brown, and i don't htink its a blown head gasket, it doesn't have any other symptoms of a head gasket

its an old truck, theres probably rust in the rad, etc. did you flush it when you changed it a year ago? or just drain and fill? if you flushed it did you use any chemicals?

Are you running straight water? does it smell like exhaust fumes?

when you did the flush did you also drain the reservoir tank, because you could just be seeing the old stuff in the reservoir
