Saleen / Bilstein Shocks for Lowered Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Saleen / Bilstein Shocks for Lowered Explorer

Black Magic

Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
February 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer Street
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I just had to tell some one I just won this auction for Saleen / Bilstein Shocks For Ford Explorer Lowered! Whoo Hoo. I have been watching these since the first day and waited till the last second to bid for the win. I can't wait to get them put on this spring when it warms up some more.


Lots of pics on how to install them or just how they went on my ride anyway to follow.

Thanks for listening!

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i actually glanced at that auction.. but is it saleen? or bilstein? or did saleen work wtih bilstein? i thought saleen used a different type of shock

Saleen uses Bilstein shocks:

This image was taken from the last Dead Link Removed

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It is all part of their RaceCraft Suspension set up:

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that is a sweeeeet deal! i paid 174 for my doetsch techs, and they ride terrible, and arent nitrogen. i actually had that auction bookmarked as i was thinking about bidding, cuz thats a great deal!

Are the Bilsteins avalible through any shop or are they a rather specific-order kinda thing- like was finding these Bilsteins for lowered Explorers rare?

Somewhat Rare, the price is what is so nice. The lowest price I could find for them was $64 a piece. So to get them for $158 is great. & to be the correct shock for a lowered X is great! I just needed now shocks. I still have the factory ones and needed them anyway so the thrill of the auction was great! :)

that is a sweet deal. Would there be any point in hunting down some bilsteins instead of just going with the Edelbrock IAS (both for lowered explorers)?
