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Schrader Valve


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September 26, 2003
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I'm getting ready to change the fuel filter and wanted to let the pressure out with the schrader valve. Problem is i'm not entirely sure where the valve is located on a 94 explorer. ANy help would be appreciated.

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Not sure about your 94. This may help, These are the instructions for relieving the pressure on a 96.

If the fuel filter is being serviced with the rear of the vehicle higher than the front, or if the fuel tank (9002) is pressurized, fuel leakage (or siphoning from the tank fuel) from the lines could occur. To prevent this condition, maintain the vehicle front end at or above the level of the rear of vehicle. Also, relieve tank pressure by loosening the fuel tank filler cap (9030). Fuel tank filler cap should be retightened after pressure is relieved. If vehicle is warm, change the fuel filter before the pressure rebuilds.

Fuel supply lines on MFI engines (6007) will remain pressurized for some period of time after the engine is shut off. This residual pressure must be relieved before servicing of the fuel system is begun.

On all MFI engines, the residual pressure in the fuel system can be relieved as follows:

l Use Multiport Fuel Injection (MFI) Fuel Pressure Gauge (EFI/CFI Fuel Pressure Gauge) T80L-9974-B attached to the pressure measuring port on the engine fuel rail.

l Direct drain hose to a suitable container and depress the pressure relief button.

Alternate Method

l Disconnect the inertia switch.

l Crank the engine for 15 to 20 seconds to relieve pressure.

Been there and done that.. Sorry for the long winded explaination, but I think more info is better than less info.

I always pull the wires off the inertia switch as mentioned by checkedout. This is located behind the glove box (you may need to move some of the rug down to see it) This device is used as a "circuit breaker" to cut power to the fuel pump when it senses you have hit something in an accident. So after you pull the wires off, crank the engine for 15 secs. This causes the engine to go through its cycles (opens/closes the fuel injectors) allowing the fuel/pressure to dissipate within the engine.

I assume you have already have the Required special Fuel line tool to remove the fuel lines from the filter correct? It is impossible to remove the lines without it. You will also need a small bucket or something to catch any residual gas the leaks out of the lines once you have removed them. There won't be much gas, but even a little will cause a mess and eat through an asphalt driveway. The fuel filter is a one way valve so it must be installed correctly.

The shrader valve is located near the top of the engine and is connected to the fuel rail. It basically looks like a tire valve stem.

First off, welcome to the site!

Second, what I do to relieve the fuel pressure is start the engine and then pull the fuel pump fuse from the fuse box under the hood. The engine will die after a few seconds. This relieves the pressure well and IMO is the easiest way to do it.

Originally posted by Brian1
First off, welcome to the site!

Second, what I do to relieve the fuel pressure is start the engine and then pull the fuel pump fuse from the fuse box under the hood. The engine will die after a few seconds. This relieves the pressure well and IMO is the easiest way to do it.

I agree with Brian1 that is how i do my 99.... and Welcome to the site...

Relieve presure?

I'm not saying do it this way but this is how I did it.. Just climbed under the vehicle with a lot of paper towels and pulled the filter. Mine was not under presure but it did drain all over the place. Don't let anyone smoke near you either or you're dead. Mine is a 95. You will need a special plastic tool to pull it. Little round thing that pushes in. Shucks has them.
